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11.2 killing cisco

"Bye, Felicia," I hear Cisco say as I make my way down to the pipeline

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"Bye, Felicia," I hear Cisco say as I make my way down to the pipeline. We pass each other but don't say anything. I approach Thawne as he smiles.

"And who are you?" He asks.

"No one important," I answer.

"Oh, I doubt that," He says. "What do you want?"

"Do you have a family?" I ask.

"How is this relevant?" He asks.

"Ok, don't answer. If you had a family, would you abandon them?" I ask. "Just to win this stupid rivalry you're a part of?"

"It's not stupid," He says. "And I would do anything to beat the Flash."

"So you kill your kid if it meant beating the Flash?" I ask.

"I don't know," He answers. "I've don't need to worry about that, and I never will. I don't want kids."

I scoff and nod. "I'd suggest reading a parenting book before you take another trip to the past," I say not-so-subtly and then leave.


Cisco is seizing as we are holding him down against a medical bed. "What's happening?" Barry asks, speeding in.

"He's experiencing an uncontrollable amount of electrical energy in his brain, putting him in a prolonged state of chronic seizing," Caitlin explains

"What? Can you stop it?" Barry asks.

"I don't know."

"Hold him down!" Caitlin says.

"We're trying!" Joe yells. Me and Joe are holding Cisco on one side while Wells and Barry are in the other.

"Sedate him, Snow, now!" Harry says.

Caitlin gives Cisco something as he starts calming down. "Finally," Joe says.

Suddenly Cisco phases into the medical bead and we all slide backwards.

"What the...?" Joe says.

"What was that?" Barry asks.

"What's going on? Where the hell am I?" Cisco's voice yells.


"It's the time line," Harry says as I understand.

"What? What are you talking about?" Barry asks.

"When you... when you captured Reverse-Flash, we ruptured the time line," I say in realization. "That's what this... All the blood and the seizures and that and all... Cisco is being affected to... to... By the changes to the time line."

"The changes to the past or the changes to the present... This is what this is," Harry adds. "We need to do something. We need to do it fast."

"Like what?" Joe asks.

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