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20.2 harry potter convention

2 harry potter convention

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"My name... is Zoom," I hear and we all turn o look at the computer to see Zoom there.

"Oh, my God," I say under my breath.

"Make sure you get this," Zoom says.

"What the...?"

"They got to get out of there," Barry says.

"Everybody move!" Joe yells when Zoom starts running around. When Zoom moves back to his spot, we see everyone besides Joe, Rupture, and the Captain fall to the ground, dead.

Suddenly Barry runs out as I yell, "Barry, don't!"

I sigh looking after him and run out as well, following him,

I follow after Barry and he says, "Hey, stop! Stop! God... you've made your point."

"Not quite yet," Zoom says, pinning Rupture to the counter. "You're an even bigger disappointment than your brother." He then kills Rupture.

"Central City..." Zoom says, holding up the camera. "The Phoenix you've seen in your streets is all there is to protect you. Someone meant to give you hope. But there is no more hope, there is no more Flash, and there's no one left to protect your city... from me. The Phoenix may be able to fight off those pesky criminals but she cannot fight me."

He throws the camera to the side and says, "Tell the rest of your force, Captain, that their policing days are over." He then turns to Barry, "You're only alive because of Caitlin. Try something like this again, and my affection for her won't stop me from killing you... or the rest of this city!"


"It won't be long now," Harry says. "He's moving faster than he ever did on my Earth."

"So what's next?" Iris asks.

"Next, he'll recruit every meta-human he can find, and then force them to do what he wants," Harry says.

"How many could be left? We defeated most of them, didn't we?" Joe asks.

"No. You're not even close. This... is a list of meta-humans from my Earth," Harry says pulling out a list. "Ones that are known, anyway. The particle accelerator explosion was contained on my Earth. That didn't happen here."

"Then why wouldn't we know about other meta-humans here?" Henry asks.

"Because of The Flash," Joe says.

"And now that everyone knows that he's not around..." Iris trails off.

"They'll start coming out of the woodwork," I finish.

"We don't know that," Henry says. "The Phoenix is still a pretty real threat."

"What more do you need?" Harry asks. "I told you he'd recruit meta-humans. We've seen him do that. I told you he would kill those officers. We saw him do that too. What more do you need?"

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