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14.1 where is the flash?

1 where is the flash?

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"Dr. Wells, this is very disappointing. I mean, the four of you should be ashamed of yourselves," Barry-2 says. "You can't just lock someone in a room like this. How long was I in here for?"

"Barely a day," Mom says.

"One day? One day? Oh, jeez, my wife's gonna be worried sick," Barry-2 says.

"I wouldn't worry about that," I comment.

"Natalie Olivia Reed what did you do?" Barry asks me sternly.

"Nothing," I say. "I'm not your Olivia. I don't know whoever's name you just said and I have never met you in my life so just leave me out of this. Alright?"

He nods, his eyes still holding a million questions as they scanned me with a soft stare. "Dr. Wells," He then said.


"Doctor, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but my wife is a very well-respected detective in the Central City Police Department. She's got to be very upset," Barry says. Wow, I never thought I'd meet a Barry who likes to hide behind his wife.

"Whoa, this is heavy," Cisco says.

"It certainly is. And I'm sorry, fellas, but I demand to know what the heck is going on here this instant," Barry-2 says.

"Barry, this is a very long story," Cisco says, frustrated.

"One that we don't have time to tell right now. We're sorry we locked you in that room for a day, but right now, you need to leave. You need to gather..." Harry starts but is interrupted by an alarm. "He's here."

"Dr. Wells, hey, what the heck is going on?" Barry asks as we run towards the Time Vault.

"Oh, Zoom's after us," I say as I make sure mom is in front of me.

"Zoom? What do... Why would Zoom be after you?" Barry asks.

"That's part of that long story I was telling you about," Cisco answers.

"I don't know if I can deal with something like this," Barry says.

"You have a time vault?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah. I'm an enemy of Zoom, and I need a place to hide when something like this happens. Get in!" Harry says as we hurry inside.

We hear Zoom outside as Barry starts whimpering. "That's Zoom! That's Zoom!"

As I get in front of everyone, ready to use my powers and Harry stands next to me with a gun in his hands.

"Ramon... Tess... Shut him up," Harry says.

When Zoom's hand phases through the wall, I put my forcefield around all of us as Harry puts up a fake wall. Barry whimpers but Cisco and mom cover his mouth.

Zoom steps inside the vault on the other side of the vault as we go incredibly still. When he leaves, we take the fake wall away and Barry gasps loudly.

"Okay. Breathe, breathe, breath, breath... Fake wall," Barry says.

"He's not gonna fall for another fake wall," My mom comments.

"We need to move. We need to find a different place to hide and make a plan," Harry says as me, Cisco and Mom follow him.

"Wait, wait... hey, hey, hey, hey. No. I think before we do anything, you have to explain to me everything that is going on here," Barry says stopping us.



Since meeting Natalie, I had pulled her out of the corner and made her talk to me. For her sanity, and to help find a way to get out of here. It was so confusing and mesmerizing at the same time to watch Natalie talk. She was so much like my Liv but there was something different about her. She had a light in her eyes which I only started seeing in Liv after our first date. I still don't see it much, especially when we talk about her parents, or her death.

In this short time, I learned that Natalie was married. To Steve Parker, I had chuckled at the thought and then had asked her about the Phoenix, who I learned possessed the same powers as my Liv. Then we went to trying to figure out a way to get out of this damned place.

"You're wasting your time. I used to think I could escape too when I first got here. There's no way out," Jessie says.

Suddenly a masked guy tapped a couple times on his cell glass. "Who is that?" I ask.

"I don't know. He's been here since Zoom brought me to this place," Jessie says.

"He's been here for a lot longer than that," Natalie says, grabbing my attention. When I give her a look she shakes her head. "No. I haven't seen his face."

Suddenly, the guy taps again, it almost sounded like a pattern. "Stop, okay? Just... just please stop."

"Jesse, I think he might be trying to help us," I say.

"Nothing is gonna help us," She says defeatedly.

"That's not true. We're gonna get out of here. Your dad's gonna find us, I promise," I tell her.

"You sure have a lot of faith in a man who only cares about himself."

"You know, I actually thought that at first too. It's not true. Every decision that he's made... every action he's taken since we've met... he's done it to protect you."


Merry Christmas Eve!! Double post for Christmas. Thank you all for reading this book so far. I hope y'all are enjoying it. I'll see you guys in 2020!

 I'll see you guys in 2020!

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