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8.2.4 deja vu

"Everyone's in position," I whisper

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"Everyone's in position," I whisper.

"All right," Oliver nods.

"Are you sure about this?" Barry asks.

"About changing the future? Barry, what can happen here that is worse than what already did?" Oliver asks.

"If I knew that, I wouldn't be so worried," Barry says.

"Let's do it," I say.


"It's wonderful to see you again, my love," Savage says.

"I will never be your love," Kendra responds.

"I know. That always makes this... Easier. Chay-Ara... Parting is such sweet sorrow," Savage says walking towards Kendra with a knife. Oliver suddenly shoots an arrow at Kendra and Carter untying them.

Savage shoots Carter back with the staff as I yell, "Now, Kendra!"

Kendra opens her wings and throws Savage back. He gets up and and tries to blast us but we jump away. He then blasts the van behind him. Our friends still come out the back and start shooting at Savage, Laurel using her cry.

I quickly run, grabbing the staff from Savage and point it at him. "Get clear!" I yell. "The gauntlets are working."

Oliver and Barry appear next to me, holding the staff as well. "No, no, no, Oliver, Liv, get yourselves to safety!" Barry says.

"We're not leaving each other!" I say. We stay there and push forward as we watch Savage suddenly disintegrate, the staff disappearing from our hands.

"Did we do it? Is he gone?" Kendra asks, as everyone runs in.

"Yeah, it looks like. I knew you could do it," Carter says.

"I'm having the strangest deja vu," Laurel says, making me smile.

"You're not the only one"


"So how do you feel now that Savage is pushing daisies?" Cisco asks. "Does this mean you guys are the immortal ones now and he's the one who gets reincarnated? 'Cause that would suck."

"I just sprouted wings a few days ago, and I'm just trying to wrap my head around that," Kendra says.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "I know how you feel."

"He does raise a good point, though. Savage is gone for good now, right?" Barry asks.

"I don't know. We never defeated him before. But we're free," Carter says as he hugs Kendra.

"Ugh, get a room."

"You finally have the rest of your lives in front of you," Oliver starts. "Have you thought about what you're going to do?"

"Carter says in our past lives, we used to help people. And after everything you guys have done for me, I think I should give that a try," Kendra says.

"You make it sound like this try is happening somewhere else?" I ask.

"In our prior incarnation, we used to live in St. Roch, and we really liked it there," Carter says.

"Could Cisco and I have a moment?" Kendra asks.

"Of course," Carter says as we walk away. Carter then pulls me away. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure," I say. "So what does Prince Kufu want from a mundane girl."

"Well we both know you're anything but mundane," Carter says as I chuckle and nod.

"So what can I do for you?" I ask.

"I've come to notice that you- can't die? And the you have wings?" Carter asks. "You're like a phoenix."

"Uh, how do you-"

"I overheard you and Oliver," Carter says. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone."

"I'm not worried about you telling anyone but yes. It's true. Why?" I ask.

"I think you should read about phoenix birds in Egyptian history. You might find something interesting," Carter says.

"You aren't really making any sense Carter," I tell him.

"I'm just saying, maybe whatever you're going through is related to what happened hundreds of years ago," Carter says. "I would look into it... and, once you do, come talk to me." Carter then walks away, leaving me speechless.

"Hey, you Okay?" Barry asks.

"Uh- Yeah. I'm fine," I say. I turn to Oliver and hug him, saying goodbye and then turn back to Barry.

"Come on," Barry says holding out his hand. I grab it as we start walking towards my car. "So what were you and Carter talking about?"

"Umm- Nothing. Just first date stuff for Kendra," I lie.

"Oh," Barry says and smiles. "Well no matter what they do, they can't top our first date."

"No one can," I say smiling. "It was the best."


"Okay, okay. Where is this from?" Barry asks, holding up a picture. We're both on the floor of my living room, looking through pictures from when I was young. I am sitting up, leaning against the sofa while Barry is laying down, his head in my lap. His right foot was planted on the ground, his leg bent at his knee, while his other was laid out.

"Oh my god," I say looking at the picture. "This is from Oliver Queen's 10th birthday party."

Barry looks back at the picture and then up at me. "Really? You two look like twins."

"We are very similar... inside and out," I say. Barry looks back at the picture and then puts it down, turning his head to look for another picture. "So you've seen my pictures of mini-me when do I get to see pictures of a mini-you?" My fingers run through his hair making him smile at the action.

He looks up. "When I find one that doesn't have me being a complete nerd. Something... cool," He says, with a small smile as I pull my hand away.

"Don't," I tell him. "That complete nerd is my favorite part about you." His smiles grows, and so does one in my face. I lean down as he leans upwards for a kiss, us meeting in the middle.

 I lean down as he leans upwards for a kiss, us meeting in the middle

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