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5.3 let me explain

I put my arm through Barry's as I guide him into the restaurant

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I put my arm through Barry's as I guide him into the restaurant. "Sorry," I whisper in his ear, as he hits the table. "Oh, sorry," I say as I slowly help him sit down. "Okay."

I then go and sit down on the other chair. I pull my chair closer to his, so that I can help him. "You look beautiful," Barry tells me as I chuckle.

"You can't even see me," I say. "You don't even know what color I'm wearing. How do you know I look good?"

"You always look good. Whatever color you're wearing, you probably look amazing in it." Barry tells me. "One of the reason's I wanted to go out today was because I would get to see you all dressed up, but..."

"It's fine," I say, and then lean in closer to say the next part. "Once you get your sight back, I'll make sure to dress up just for you. Maybe that one 'dress' I showed you a couple of weeks ago."

Barry then says, "I don't know if I want you to." I frown at the comment. "Last time you wore it, I never got to have my way with you."

My frown turns into a smirk. "Get your sight back, and you can have me any way you want," I say, leaning closer to whisper the last part. "Preferably naked."

He shifts uncomfortably and I smile in victory. My shoulder brushes his own and I'm struck with a small bolt of lightning as a flame strikes him, having us both jump in our places. I quickly blink, knowing there are flames flickering in my eyes. His hands pick up then menu and he says, "Why don't you choose?"

"Yeah, anything particular on your mind?" I ask, not being able to keep the smile off of my face from our previous exchange. He mutters something I'm not able to make out.

"Whatever you'd like," Barry says, as a waiter comes by our table.

"Here you go. Thank you. Classic stakeout fuel," I order and the waiter nods and leaves.


I watch Barry smile and then watch his brows furrow. "Are you Okay?" He asks.

"What? Yeah, of course I am," I tell him, snapping out of my thoughts.

"With Harry. I know we haven't gotten a change to talk about it, but are you okay that he's here?" Barry asks, slowly patting over the table to find my hand and intertwine it with his.

I smile. "It's gone take a while to get used to it. To seeing his face after... after what happened, but I'll be fine," I tell him.

"Okay," Barry says slowly. "But please talk to me, okay? You don't tell me when something's bothering you and so I don't know how to help you. I hate not being able to help you."

"I will," I tell him. "I'll tell you if something is bothering me... Okay, onto lighter topics."

Barry laughs. "Okay... What do we even talk about?"

"I don't know," I answer honestly. Our lives aren't exactly a light topic."

And what does one talk about on a 10th or 15th date when anything could easily bring the mood down?

"Yeah," Barry laughs. "Oh, I've always wondered this but, did you like me the first time you met me? You always seemed very... distant? Harsh for lack of a better word."

"That's cause I didn't," I answer. I watch him frown as I quickly say, "Okay, okay, let me explain."


"Yes. We, uh, have arrived at my car, so... Ah," I say as I turn him to face me.

He then moves his hands around trying to pull me closer. I laugh as I step closer and put his arms around my waist. He tries to move in closer and then I put my lips on his.

We kiss slowly as I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer. I feel flames of my powers leave my body, entering Barry's as the same happened to me with his own powers. I kiss him softly and then pull away and he leans his forehead to mine. We both smile at each other and then pull away.

Barry then opens my jacket and says, "Um, this is burgundy, by the way, and you look great in it."

I smile. "Now you can see?"

"I can," He nods.

"That must have been some kiss," I say.

"I guess so," He says and then both of our phones ring. "Sorry."

"No, it's okay," I say, holding up my phone. "Mine too."

"Cisco, hey," Barry answers.

"Caitlin?" I answer.


"Caitlin, are you guys okay?" Barry asks walking into the Cortex.

"Yeah," She answers.

"Guys, I'm sorry. Doctor Light's never killed before," Jay says. "I thought we could reason with her."

"You cannot reason with someone under Zoom's influence, and now a man is dead because of you, Garrick," Harry starts. "This whole thing is because of you. He doubts himself because of you, but believe me, Barry can do what you could not."

"Barry can stop Zoom. I spent two years hunting Zoom," Jay yells.

"Wrong! Zoom hunted you! You spent the last two years of your life running, running, running from Zoom," Harry yells back.

"Zoom would have killed me just like he will kill Barry if you lead him down this path!" Jay accuses.

"No, because he is not like you. Barry runs towards danger, not from it, because Barry's not a coward," Harry says as he pushes Jay.

Jay then punches Harry and then Harry gets in a few punches at Jay before I move in between the two of them and stop them both.

"Enough!" I yell, stoping them.

"Enough!" I yell, stoping them

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