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12.0 scared

A knock at my door has me up and running to it in a second

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A knock at my door has me up and running to it in a second. My bracelet suddenly starts vibrating towards a force at the door indicating only one thing, but I refuse to believe it till I see him.

I open the door to see him standing outside with a smile. "Roy," I acknowledge, with a smile as I go and hug him. "Come in."

"Hey," He says. "Hope I'm not bothering you."

"Never," I respond. "What are you doing here?"

"I just had one hell of a day in Star City," He says.

"Well c'mon," I say, sitting down on the sofa. "Tell me about it, and then maybe we can watch a movie."


"I can't believe you want to train after last night," I tell Roy. "Slow down a bit." We enter S.T.A.R. Labs and head to the training room, hearing a couple voices on the way there.

"Nah. Being in Star City made me realize how out of shape I am," Roy says. I roll my eyes as we walk inside an empty training room.

"You're the least out of shape person I know," I say. I take off my jacket, so I am left in a crop top. Roy follows, doing the same thing, being left in a red shirt. I walk over a stand and grab two bastons, tossing him one, which he catches. "No powers," He says as I nod.

"Do your worst," I smirk, and we move so that we're facing each other. We both get into position and we separate our bastons into two for each hand.

Then, he strikes. I block his strike as I move back, blocking his every move. Soon, we switch positions, and now, he's the one blocking my strikes. I try to hit him with both batons but he ducks and slides out of the way. "You're almost as out of shape as me," Roy comments.

"Oh I doubt that," I say as I strike. He blocks my strike and then pushes me against the wall, his baton against my neck.

"Oh I don't," Roy says and then moves away. "What is up with you?"

"Guess I've just gotten too reliant on my powers," I say and then kick him in the back ok his knees, him falling to the ground.

He groans, bracing himself with his hands. He flipped onto his back and then kicked his feet under mine, pulling me down. I fall on my back as he straddles me, pinning me to the ground, his hands gripping mine. I groan and then tap his pulse on his wrist twice. Roy chuckles and the lets go of my hands, getting up.

I smile and then get up myself. "Really?" He asks, a smile never leaving his face.

I return it and say, "Yup. You really think I wasn't gonna do it."

Roy shrugs. "I forgot about it."

I gasp in shock placing a hand on my heart for dramatics. "Really?"

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