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18.0 keystone

"Okay, you guys

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"Okay, you guys. I'm here," Barry says through the comms. "You got my location?"

"You're good?" Cisco asks. "You don't need to, like, stretch or something?"

"No, no, no, I'm good, I'm good," Barry responds.

"Let's take this tachyon enhancer out for a test drive," Cisco says.

"All right. Hoo, yeah. I feel that," Barry says putting on the enhanced.

"That is the tachyon device powering up the Speed Force in your cells like a quick charge battery," Caitlin says. "How do you feel?"


"Let's see how long it takes you to get back here. On my count," Cisco starts. "Three, two, one. Go!"

We see Barry take off and Cisco says, "Dang, this thing got you cruising."

"How fast does he normally go?" Iris asks.

"Not this fast," I say.

"Not even close. Are his vitals okay?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, they're perfect," Caitlin answers.

"Cool. It's like having a pit-stop attached to your chest," Iris says.

"Guys, I can go faster," He says.

Me and Cisco share a smile as we say, "Do it."

He soon lands in front of us and takes off his mask, saying, "I'm back. What... how long was I gone?"

"Let's put it this way, you just annihilated your old record," Cisco says.

"Yeah, you went four times faster than you have ever been," Caitlin says.

"Four times?" Barry asks. "That's as..."

"Fast as Zoom," Harry says. "Well, faster actually."

"Hey, uh, do we think that, um, we can get this thing smaller?" Barry asks Harry. "It kind of sucks."

"If it sucks, then, yeah," Harry says, grabbing the enhancer.

"All right, so now all we have to do is figure out how to get back to Zoom," Barry says.

"Yes, uh, just a minor issue," Cisco says. "We closed all the breaches and have no idea how to reopen them."

"We don't... Um, Wells?" Barry asks.

"Yeah, I have an idea, Allen. Let's keep the breaches closed forever. Forget about the breaches. Forget about Zoom," Harry says.

"Wait, I'm sorry, I thought that you were on board with this," Barry says.

"No. No. I said I would help you get faster. I did not say I would help you give the man who kidnapped my daughter and tortured her a chance to do it again," Harry says.

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