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17.4 imposter

B A R R Y  P O V

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B A R R Y  P O V

Walking into S.T. A. R. Labs, I hear the other Barry say, "Where is he? Where's the other Flash?"

I sigh as I walk into the Cortex saying, "Right here."

"What the hell?" Liv asks looking from me to the other Barry.

"Okay. Not how I expected today to turn out," Cisco says.


"Okay, so I'm... who are... who are you?" Barry asks me.

"Who is he?" Caitlin asks.

"Who are you?" Liv asks looking at the other Barry.

"What do you... I'm Barry. I'm Barry. Your Barry. He's..." Barry stutters.

"Your doppelganger," Cisco says slowly.

"No, not yet. I am you, Barry. Just... different," I try to explain.

"Wait a second, how do we know which one's the real Barry?" Cisco asks.

"Dude, okay, I've watched "Wrath of Khan" with you like five times," Barry defends.

"Imposter!" Cisco points to me.

"Yeah, and every time at the end, you turn to me and you say, "I have been and always shall be your friend," I say.

"Haha! You, imposter!" He yells at other Barry. "What is going on here?"

"Liv?" Caitlin suddenly asks. We all look over to see Liv speechless. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Th- There's- There's two- I-" She takes a deep breath. "I did not sign up for this," She says in a high pitched voice. I look at her worried as she looks from the other me to the me. "Was there- Which one of you did I..."

"It was me!" Young Barry says, understanding what she was saying.

"Yeah and then you teleported away not even a minute later," I say, making sure they don't think I'm an imposter. I see Liv's face fall as she looks at younger Barry. She seemed confused and I didn't know what to do so... I thought it would be best to explain.

"Okay, guys, I'm sorry," I explain. "This was not supposed to happen. The tranq dart that Caitlin made was supposed to last a lot longer."

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