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18.4 bloodlust

My eyes fluttered open as I was treated by the familiar view of the S

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My eyes fluttered open as I was treated by the familiar view of the S.T.A.R. Labs ceiling. I groan as I look to my side to see Barry sleeping with his head on my medical bed, himself sitting in a chair. I slowly start to get up, causing him to wake up.

"Hey," He says, his voice groggy. "Hey, Take it easy."

"I'm fine," I say softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "Hey, go home. You've had a long day."

"I'm not leaving you," He says, slowly getting up and coming to sit next to me. I scoot around so he can sit down, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"What- um- What happened?" I ask him.

"Liv you- um- you- the Velocity-9 cause you to die. You flatlined... again," Barry says.

"I- I- What?" I ask him in shock. "What about my bloodlust?"

"It'll be fine," Barry says, his head on mine as he sighed. "We'll figure it out."

"You sleepy?" I ask, turning myself a bit, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Mmhmm," He says with a yawn, his eyes closing.

"Go to sleep," I say softly, planting a kiss at the base of his neck. "I love you."

"Love you too," He whispers, lightly kissing the top of my head. I sigh, closing my eyes as I let myself rest in Barry's arms.


"Wake up!!" A voice yelled making both me and Barry jump. We open our eyes groaning as we slowly wake up.

"What do you want?" I ask coldly.

"Wells... leave us alone. We're tired," Barry groans.

"Look, I'm sorry, but you've got some company," Harry says. We sit up in our spot as we notice Kendra and Carter walk in.

"Sorry, to bother you guys, I know it's a bad time...," Kendra says. "... Right now."

"No, no, it's fine," I quickly say. "Um- we're just just gonna go freshen up real quick and then we can talk."

"Yeah," Carter says as they both nod. Me and Barry get out of the medical bed and head to the nearest bathroom to freshen up.


"Okay," Barry sighs as we both sit down in front of Kendra and Carter.

"So, you got my message?" Carter asks.

"What? That my powers are somehow related to the fact that you two can reincarnate and not to the particle accelerator? Yeah," I say.

Carter chuckles. "Yeah, so I'm guessing you want an explanation," He says as I nod.

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