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14.3 doppelgänger

"Where is Zoom's lair?" Iris asks Killer Frost

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"Where is Zoom's lair?" Iris asks Killer Frost.

Me and Harry both point our guns at her. "Where is it?" He asks.

"If I tell you, he will kill me," She says.

"He'll kill you anyway, Caitlin," Cisco says.

"Stop calling me that. It's not my name," Frost says.

"Yes, it is," I say. "You just don't want to hear it because it reminds you of someone you used to be. Trust me, we know that person very well."

"You don't know anything about me," Frost says.

"We know the Caitlin Snow on my Earth. We know that when she loves someone, that person is her world. That person was Ronnie Raymond. And he died too. It devastated her, and I can see it's doing the same to you," Cisco says. "Zoom took that. His daughter... her love... my friend... he's gonna take them away from us, just like he took Ronnie from you."

"Caitlin... all you have to do is tell us where he's keeping them. And then you'll never hear from us again, and you can go," I say. "Please."

"Fine. I'll show you where it is. But that's it," Killer Frost says, getting up.

"Uh, where are we going?" Barry-2 asks.

"Ascension Cliffs."


"Wow... wow... wow," Harry says.

"We're going up there?" Barry-2 asks.

"That's where Zoom's lair is," Frost says.

"A place only a speedster could get to," Harry adds.

"There are like the Cliffs of Insanity," Cisco comments. "So how do we get up there?

"I can make you something to climb on, darling," Frost says, holding up frosty hands.

"Are you serious?" Barry asks. "You want us to... what, just climb to the top of those cliffs... on ice?"

"Got any better ideas?"

"No, ma'am, I'm just, you know, I... I've got... you know, I'm wearing wingtips here," Barry-2 stutters. "They, um, don't have much tread."

"Barry. Barry, um, maybe you should stay behind," Iris says. "Yeah?"

"No... hey, no. I'm not letting you go up there by yourself," Barry says.

"It is okay if you don't want to go... if you don't want to do this," Iris tells him.

"You are my wife," Barry says. "I'm not leaving your side." He may not be fearless but he has the same heart.


"Can we go?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. I'm ready."

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