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19.3 stronger

"Not picking up anything from facial recognition," Barry says, getting up and walking into the Cortex

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"Not picking up anything from facial recognition," Barry says, getting up and walking into the Cortex.

"The only cellular dead zone I can find is the one in here," Cisco says, referring to Jesse. "No offense."

"No, wait a second, was he wearing his watch when he left to get me?" Jesse asks.

"Already tried that," Cisco says. "GPS isn't working."

"Okay, no, but the meta-human activity would be," Jesse says, pushing Cisco out of the way. "I mean, the watch is designed to track metas, right? And since Griffin Grey is one, it'll keep sending a message to a server till it goes through."

"But since we're on a different Earth, it'll never go through," Cisco says.

"So it just keeps sending the same signal," I say.

Cisco does some work and quickly says, "There he is, Central City Amusement Park."

"Okay, great, we've found Harry, but how are we gonna stop Grey?" I ask.

Cisco laughs. "I'm so glad that you asked," He says, leading us towards my suit. "Jesse and I upgraded the internal lining of your suit. Felicity hooked us up with some dwarf star alloy."

"Wait, you got dwarf star alloy?" I ask, fan-girling a bit.

"It's the same compound that's used to protect Ray's A.T.O.M. suit," Barry says.

"That's right. Super strong, super lightweight. Only thing is, we couldn't get much of it," Cisco says.

"All right, what does that mean?" Barry asks.

"We could only cover the chest portion of the suit," Cisco says.

"Oh," I say, nodding sarcastically.

"Yeah, sorry," Jesse says.

"Uh, here's the other thing... Probably not a big deal..." Cisco says, as I sigh. "Um, I'm guessing the suit will only absorb one of Grey's punches."

"Mm," I nod as me and Barry share a look.

"Anything more than that, you'll be like a piñata," Cisco says. "Only it won't be candy coming out, it'll be..."

"Me," I say.

"You're... yeah, you," He says.

"Yeah. All right. Hopefully, one gimme punch is all I'll need," I say.


"Why is it that bad guys always insist on having the creepiest hideouts?" I whisper into the comms. Everyone was outside in a van as I snuck around the warehouse.

"Cause they crazy," Joe said.

"Yeah, but like, why not have your hideout be like an old ice cream shop. It's not creepy and you could probably get some free ice cream if you're smart enough to figure out how to work the old machines."

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