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"Is this it?" Barry asks, zooming in with a box

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"Is this it?" Barry asks, zooming in with a box.

"That's the one."

"All right, great," He says. "Dad, Dr. McGee, Cisco, Liv. Why don't you guys crack this open, see what you can find?"

"Sure," I nod.

"We'll go see what kind of meta-human powers can take down a building like that and how to stop it," Harry says.

"Great. Sounds like fun," Jesse says.

"All right, I'm gonna go see if Joe needs any help in the streets. Everybody cool here? Should be a piece of cake, right?" Barry asks, walking out. We all share a look as Henry walks out to talk to him.

Soon, Cisco's app start beeping. A picture comes up on screen to see a huge lightning bolt symbol on a building. "What is that?" Barry asks waking back in.

"It's CCPD," Cisco answers.


"Barry. Don't do it.," Henry says. Barry speeds out anyways as I curse.


"We can't let Zoom destroy another building," Barry says. "We need to take him down. Now."

"And how do you propose we do that with an army of meta-humans laying waste to Central City?" Harry asks. "We couldn't stop Zoom on my Earth. What makes us different?"

"We're a team," Barry says. "We start with the meta-humans, they're his armor. We take them down first, then Zoom's more vulnerable."

"Barry, we don't even know how many of his minions there are," Caitlin says.

"There could be hundreds, a thousand."

"And all of them, they're all working with different powers."

"It could take weeks to track them all down."

"Guys, we don't have weeks. So what we need do to is come up with a way to stop them all at once," Barry says.

"Again? How?" Harry asks.

"Cisco, your goggles, your camera, they didn't work on Earth-2, right?" Barry asks.

"Yeah, it was a whole different frequency."

"And the way you took down the Time Wraiths, that was based on frequency. Hartley's entire shtick..." Barry trails off.

"I think I'm smelling what you're stepping in," Cisco says.


"So basically, we create some vibrational tech that can take down the Earth-2 metas," Cisco says.


"I like it," Harry says.

"Me too," Me and Cisco say in unison.

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