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16.2 velocity-9

"I mean, where did this speedster even come from?" Barry asks

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"I mean, where did this speedster even come from?" Barry asks.

"I don't know, man. All I know is that blur made 60 smackeroos off of me," Cisco says as we all walk into the Cortex. "Ridiculous."

"Maybe it's another one of Zoom's henchmen somehow?"

"The breaches are closed. The only other way to become a speedster is from a particle accelerator explosion," I explain.

"Okay, but then why only make yourself known now? You see what I'm saying?" Cisco asks. "We'd have had to seen them in action before."

"I'm not saying it makes sense; I'm just saying that's the only other way to become a speedster," I say.

"Actually, there's another way," Caitlin pitches in as we raise a brow.


"It's called Velocity-9," Caitlin says, taking it out of a safe.

"Ooh, that's a sexy-ass name," Cisco says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's a speed drug. Jay took it when you were on Earth-2 to save the city from a meta-human," Caitlin says as we head back to he Cortex.

"What? How could you not tell me this?" Barry asks.

"I promised Jay I wouldn't," Caitlin answers.

"Jay, what do you... why?"

"Because Jay knew how dangerous this drug is," Harry says. "I should know, Barry; Snow and I worked on it together."

"Guys, I have been busting my butt out there, pushing myself to the limit, trying to get better, trying to be faster, and you're telling me that there's been something this whole time that could've helped me?" Barry yells. "This could've helped me take down Zoom. It could have helped me save Earth-2 Joe, save Jay."

"Jay was sick. The drug that he took to regain his speed was also causing cellular degeneration. It was killing him. I tried to help, I tried to find a cure, but in all my experiments, the effects were just temporary. The V-9 is deadly," Caitlin says, her voice breaking.

"Why not tell me this? Why keep me in the dark?" Barry asks as Caitlin stares at Jay's helmet.

"Caitlin," Cisco says, his hand on her shoulder. He suddenly gasps in shock.

"Are you okay? Did you vibe?" I ask.

"Uh..." He trails off. When an alarm starts beeping, he runs for the desk. "Meta-human. Yeah, social media app for the win. Bad Flash is back."

As soon as Cisco says that, Barry runs out. "Bad Flash... what? No. I'm losing my touch over here."

"He's coming up on Fifth and Everett. You can use the alley to cut him off," Cisco says as I walk over behind him to look at the screen.

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