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15.1 king shark

"Hey," I say, walking up to Barry and Cisco

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"Hey," I say, walking up to Barry and Cisco. I stand a distance away from Barry, which wasn't normal for everyone else. I just hoped no one would notice.

"Hey. You okay?" Cisco asks, looking at me.

"Yeah." I sigh. "Just tired. Didn't eat much sleep last night."

Cisco then looks over at Barry then back at me and smirks. "So you both didn't get much sleep last night, huh?" He asks, suggestively.

I scoff. "No, that's definitely not what we were doing," I say. I see Barry roll his up eyes out the corner of my eye as Cisco furrows his brows, his eyes darting between us.

"Is everything okay? What's wrong?" Cisco asks.

"It's nothing," Barry says quickly. "H- How's Caitlin."

"Caitlin just bit my head off," Cisco says. "She's been all business, no emotion lately. She's been... cold."

"Cold?" Me and Barry say in unison. We quickly look at each other and as soon as we meet each other's eyes, we look away and step another step away from each other.

"Come on, Cisco," Barry says, looking back at him.

"This could be the beginning of her becoming evil. You're not worried about that?" Cisco asks us.

"I'm not worried about that. Caitlin's not gonna become Killer Frost," I say.

"You guys haven't mentioned anything about about Earth-2, have you?" Barry asks.

"No," I say.

"No, 'cause I know how to keep a secret," Cisco says.

"All right, well, look, I mean, it's gonna take some time for her to heal," I say. "Losing someone you love, it takes time to get over it. We just got to be there for her, keep her busy."

"That shouldn't be a problem," A voice says. I turn around to see Dig and Lyla walking in.

"Dig," I say with a smile as I go hug him. He hugs me back and then I pull away to do the same to Lyla. Once done, I step back and ask, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to give you two the head's up," Dig says.

"About what?" Barry's asks.

"A meta-human who escaped from A.R.G.U.S. custody, goes by the name King Shark," Lyla says.

"King Shark?" Cisco asks. "You mean the half-man/half-shark that tried to kill you months ago. I thought he was dead."

"What? A half man/half shark tried to kill you?" I ask.

"It's- a long story," Barry says, not looking at me.

"One you didn't tell me about," I retort. "Again." Barry looks away and I turn to Dig and Lyla with a sigh. "So what? He's dead?"

"That's what A.R.G.U.S. wanted you to believe when they snatched him up, but believe me, this half-shark is very much alive, and his biological imperative is telling him to do one thing. That's kill you, Barry," Dig tells him.

"We're gonna need a bigger Flash."


"So how do you know about King Shark?" Barry asks Dig. He was leaning against the desk while I was on the other end of it, sitting in Dad's wheelchair, next to Harry.

"Well, as the new Director of A.R.G.U.S., Lyla's job is to clean up Amanda Waller's messes," Dig says. "King Shark was one of the bigger and weirder ones."

"And it appears under her directives, A.R.G.U.S. had been monitoring meta-human activity for the past two years," Lyla explains.

"Why?" Cait asks.

"Well, to see if any of those powers could be exploited," Dig says.

"Weaponized," Harry corrects.

"How do you know that he's coming after me?" Barry asks.

"While in our custody, he kept saying the same thing. "Zoom wants The Flash dead" And although he removed the tracker we had in him, the readings we did receive show he that was headed towards Central City," Lyla tells us.

"Let him come," Barry says as I roll my eyes.

"Barry, this thing is a killing machine. We just came here to warn you, man," Dig says. "Let A.R.G.U.S. handle it."

"Nah, I can't do that, Dig. I'm sorry, but all year, we've been sitting ducks for Zoom and his Earth-2 henchmen," Barry says. "This is the last one. I'm not gonna just wait for him to attack. I'm going after him first. I owe that to Jay. Wells, he's from your Earth. What do you know about him?"

"Real name, Shay Lamden, he was a... get this... marine biologist before my particle accelerator changed him into King Shark, and Zoom put him under his control," Harry informs.

"So how did you track him when he attacked Barry?" Caitlin asks.

"Zoom sent him to this Earth to kill Barry. I just followed," Harry says.

"Yeah, but you did track Grodd down," Barry says. "Can you find King Shark too?"

"I can try," Harry says leaving.

"All right," Barry says. "Okay, well, all these locations are next to a body of water."

"There must only be a few hours before he needs to get back into the water to re-oxygenate his blood," I says.

"Me and Liv can take the waterfront," Barry says quickly. "Can you have your team handle the rest?"

"I'll get them on it," Lyla says.

"All right."

"What about Dr. Lamden's doppelganger?" I ask. "Maybe he could help us somehow."

"Or not. Looks like he died when the particle accelerator exploded," Cisco says.

"What about next of kin?"

"He's got a widow, Doctor Tanya Lamden. She's a research scientist at Nautilus Labs, and she studies... wait for it... sharks," Cisco says.

"Maybe the two of you can go and see if she's discovered anything in her research that could help us," Barry says as the two scientists agree, walking out, leaving us alone in the Cortex.

Barry seems as if he's about to say something but is stopped by a call. "Hey, Joe, what's up?" He says into the phone with a sigh.

Just then, I get a call too and I use the wheelchair to wheel to a different side of the Cortex and answer it.

Just then, I get a call too and I use the wheelchair to wheel to a different side of the Cortex and answer it

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