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2.2 feelin' alright

"Yesterday's surprise broadcast from a Star City vigilante who is calling himself the Green Arrow has spawned a massive outcry of both support and dissenters

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"Yesterday's surprise broadcast from a Star City vigilante who is calling himself the Green Arrow has spawned a massive outcry of both support and dissenters..." The news channel trails off.

"Catchy," Cait says.

"Wish I had some input," I comment. He went Malcolm's suggestion, huh?

"I hate it when they put a color in their name," Cisco adds.

"Yo," Barry says walking in.

"Yo," Cisco replies. "The sample you gave us? Yeah. Not sand. Definitely human cells."

"Yeah, I know," Barry responds. "It's not him, I get it."

"I hate to say it, but I think this Earth-2 theory is starting to make sense," Cisco says as I nod.

"For real?" Barry asks.

"What, you think Jay is lying about the Sand Demon?" Iris asks.

"I don't know. That's my point," Barry says.

"There is something off about him," I say. "I can't pinpoint what, but... I just get a bad feeling."

"Exactly. I'm not gonna just believe some guy that walks in here and says a few things that sort of check out," Barry says.

"Sort of?"

"He was... he was right about Zoom," Barry says. "We don't even know anything about Zoom. What is Zoom? Is Zoom even real? Right now, that's just, you know, a story around a campfire. I mean, have you discovered a breach yet?"

"Not yet, but we know how to now," Cisco says.

"Have you found one thing to suggest that Jay is a speedster?" Barry asks. "Is the Speed Force even in his system?"

"It doesn't appear to be, no."

"See? We are scientists. You are a journalist. We test, we prove, we report. That's what we do. Except right now, nobody here wants to do any of that except me," Barry says.

"Can we have the room for a minute?" Iris asks. We nod and exit the room. I should probably open that journal I found in the Time Vault.

Before I leave, Barry stops me by the arm and softly asks, "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm alright," I say, before heading out.

"I still can't believe you reserved the whole restaurant for us," I say, looking up at Barry.

He smiles, his eyes holding light... happiness. "I-" He chuckles. "Well, I came here and talked to the manager. I may have mentioned the fact that it was you I was... escorting."

"And they let you take the place?" I ask.

He nods, blinking. "They seem to have a sweet spot for their favorite customers."

"They did love us," I say. "Plus, you can be quite charming." He smiles and winks at me, making me smile.

"How do you know about this place, anyways?" I ask.

"I may have called Oliver up," He says. "He told me about Mr.Richards, who is still playing piano here, and about how much you love it here."

"So," Barry says as he leans forwards. I follow, doing the same and now we're both face to face, our noses in close proximity. "I was wondering if you would dance with me."

Just then I hear a very familiar tune start playing around us. The song's a bit slowed down.

Perfect for dancing.

I look over to the piano and Mr. Richards winks at me, his friend next to him, holding a harmonica smiles. When I look back at the table, Barry is standing up and has his hand held out in front of me. "Shall we?"

I smile. "We shall," I say, taking his hand. He pulls me to an open area with him, both of his arms going around my waist. I put my arms around his neck. Not breaking eye contact, we start dancing, as Mr.Richards starts singing my favorite song.

"It's nine o'clock on a Saturday.. The regular crowd shuffles in.. There's an old man sitting next to me.. Makin' love to his tonic and gin."

"You look beautiful," Barry whispers, with a smile looking at me.

"Thank you. You look very handsome," I respond.

"....He says, "Son, can you play me a memory.. I'm not really sure how it goes...."

"I- Thank you," I say to Barry.

"W- Why?" He asks.

"Just- for being here. I- I'm happy," I say. "I'm happy with you, Barr."

"I'm glad," He replies, with a smile. "I'm happy with you too."

I move closer to Barry as I rest my head on his shoulder, moving my hands lower to go on his shoulders. His hands droop lower on my waist as he welcomes me in his arms as we dance.

 His hands droop lower on my waist as he welcomes me in his arms as we dance

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"....La la la, di da da.. La la, di da da da dum.. Sing us a song, you're the piano man.. Sing us a song tonight. Well, we're all in the mood for a melody.. And you've got us feelin' alright...."


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