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20.0 fringe

"Liv, there's a high-speed chase heading south on Milton Ave," Cisco says

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"Liv, there's a high-speed chase heading south on Milton Ave," Cisco says.

"I see them," I say as I fly over to them. Their car gets faster as o struggle to catch them.

"They're headed for the Fifth Street tunnel," Cisco informs.

I look down at the car and fly faster, over the tunnel and to the end of it before the car gets there. Before the car can cross, I lower myself and put a line of fire at the end of the tunnel, stopping the car. The guys get out of the car looking at the fire as the cops catch up to them.


"I need a breather," I say walking into the Cortex. "Flying- I'm still getting used to."

"I didn't think people weren't gonna notice that the Flash has been absent lately," Iris says.

"I mean, people don't care who's doing the saving as long as its someone in a suit with powers," Cisco says as we nod.

"It's not gonna last," Harry says.

"There it is."

"It's not gonna be long before someone figures out, "Oh, wait, the guy who'd been saving the city for more than a year suddenly disappeared and his sidekick is saving the city now."

"Partner," I correct him.

"Okay, well, without Barry's speed, this is as good as any," Cisco says.

"Actually, I beg to differ. I think a better idea, instead of playing "Sidekicks and Scandals" would be to rebuild the particle accelerator to get Barry's speed back," Harry yells.


"Yeah, Wells, that's what you keep saying," Barry says.

"That's right."

"Look at what that explosion did to this city," Barry says.

"Not to mention, last time we tried something like that, we blew a hole in the universe and created, like, 50 portals to your Earth," Cisco adds.

"Which is exactly how Zoom and his henchmen got here in the first place," I finish.

"I told you. I know how to contain the explosion," He says.

"Really?" Barry asks.

"Yes," He says.

"You know how to contain a dark matter explosion that, last time, just radiated all of Central City?" I ask, "You tried this on your Earth, remember? Didn't go so well."

"And, even if you could contain it, I thought you said that Barry couldn't tap into the Speed Force anymore," Iris asks.

"It wasn't connected the first time he got his powers. Look, I have your Wells's data. The Harrison Wells from this Earth, I have his science," Harry says. "I know what chemicals need to be in your body. I know how the lightning needs to bond with the dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion. I can recreate the circumstances to get you your speed back."

"This will work," He says. "Your subterfuge... is not gonna save Snow. It's not gonna bring your Caitlin back. You wanna be ready should Zoom return... if Zoom returns... when Zoom returns... there is only one way to do it, and that's by getting your speed back."


"It looks like the Vacuum," Cisco says as we stare at a screen.

"Uh, what's the Vacuum?" Jesse asks.

"No "Fringe" on Earth-2. Noted," Cisco says.

"What is that thing?" Iris asks Harry.

"That is how Barry's gonna get his speed back," Harry says.

"This is what you've been working on in the workshop?" I ask.

"Someone has to worry about Zoom," Harry says.

"Okay. Barry cannot do this," Cisco says.

"He has to, Ramon. You keep calling me that, but that's..." Cisco pauses as he gets a vision. "Dante?"

"What did you see? Zoom?" Harry asks. "Did you see Zoom?"

"No. I saw my brother. I got to go," Cisco says leaving.

"See where everybody is," I hear Barry's voice say. I turn to see him with Henry.

"Hey," Henry says.

"Henry?" I say.

"Liv," He answers. "Hi."

I walk over and give him a hug. "It's so good to see you."

"Aw, you too," He says as we pull away.

Iris then goes to hug him as she says, "I guess Barry dragged you back for a bit, huh?"

"Looks like maybe for good," Barry says.

"Wait, what? Seriously?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah, I figured I spent enough time away from my son," Henry says.

"Have you told Dad?" Iris asks.

"No, I wanted to tell him in person," Barry answers.

"Yeah. I think he's with Wally at CCPD. I'll give him a call," Iris says leaving. Barry takes off his jacket as I grab it for him.

"Is he..?" I look at Barry.

"I was kinda hoping..." Barry trails off. "For now at least. Is that- Is that okay?"

"Yeah!" I say, my smile growing.

"I hope it's not too much trouble," Henry tells me.

"No. Of course not!" I say. "This is gonna be great!" Barry and Henry share a look before looking at me and chuckling.

"Come on," Barry says. "Let's go get you settled."


"Here you are," I say, leading Henry to the guest room.

Henry chuckles. "This place looks like it hasn't been touched in years. It's so clean," He says.

"Yeah, my mom was in here last. She's a clean freak," I say with a chuckles.

He chuckles as well. "How is that going by the way?" He asks.

"It's going good," I say, sitting down on the bed, looking up at him. "She's living in Keystone, we have a small house there. I lived in it during college."


"She's not happy," I say sadly. "Eddie Thawne... the one from Earth-2, she had adopted him. He lived with her even till now. She misses him."

"A parent will always miss her child. If she's with Eddie, she'll miss you... if she's here, she misses him," Henry says. "There's no winning in this for her."

"So what am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"You have to ask yourself where she would be happier," He says, sitting down next to me. "Now, you can't make her do anything... at the end of the day, it's her decision... but you can help push her in the right direction. But you have to decide which one you'll push her in."


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