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16.1 miss internship

We're at the club, I'm standing next to Jesse, Barry's arms wrapped around my waist from behind, his head resting on mine

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We're at the club, I'm standing next to Jesse, Barry's arms wrapped around my waist from behind, his head resting on mine. He reaches forwards for a bowl, making Jesse's watch go off.

"Oh, God, sorry. It keeps doing that. My dad made me wear it," Jesse says.

"Don't worry about it. It's all good," Barry tells her.

"I'm really glad you came, Jesse, even though this place is less than ideal," Caitlin tells her.

"Hey, toast?" Barry asks when 5 shots are put on the table. We all pick on up as he says, "To Jay."

"I wonder what Jay would say if he was here right now," Caitlin says.

"What's a Kamikaze?" Cisco starts. "And then you'd spend ten minutes explaining it."

"And he'd say, "Just kidding. We have those on Earth-2," Caitlin imitates.

"Yeah, well, we don't have those, so..." Jesse says, going to drink her shot before Barry takes it out of her hand.

"Eh-eh, I'm sorry, Miss Underage. None of us plan on getting murdered by your father tonight," Barry says.

"Oh, come on, Barry. Let her live a little. We all had a couple of drinks before we were 21," I say, before going to drink my shot.

"No, that was just you," Barry tells me, kissing me on the cheek. "Seriously though, we don't need another murderous Wells."

"Oh, whatever, he's all talk," Jesse says.


As everyone falls back into conversation, Barry whispers to me, "You look amazing." I smirk, turning in his arms to face him. We're leaning against the bar, pushed up against each other. I'm in a small navy romper, navy high heels to go with it. "I love the dress."

I chuckle, leaning my head forwards to whisper, "I think you would love it more if you knew what was underneath." He raises a brow with a smirk when I pull slightly away to look at him. "Nothing."

He smirks, his hands trailing down my waist rubbing circles on my body. "Well then, maybe we have to cut our evening-"

"Yo, guys, what's up?" We hear Iris say. We quickly pull away from each other to greet her.

"Hey, Glad you could make it," Barry says, hugging Iris. "What's up, Wally?"

"Hey, interesting choice of venue. The tic-tac-toe theme is cool," Wally says.

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