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15.4 monster

"Hell of a catch, Barry," Dig says as we all walk back

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"Hell of a catch, Barry," Dig says as we all walk back.

We chuckle. "Yeah. Let's just make sure he doesn't become "the one that got away," Barry says.

"Won't let that happen again," Lyla says.

"What are you gonna do with him?" I ask.

"I don't know yet. But one thing's for sure, A.R.G.U.S.'s plans to turn King Shark into a weapon died with Amanda Waller," Lyla says. "I think our time would be better served learning about how he came to be and how to cure him."

"You know, you should really talk to Dr. Lamden. She's done a lot of research, and I think it could be helpful to you," Caitlin mentions.

"I'll do that. Nice to see you again," Lyla tells them. She then turns to me tilting her head for me to follow.

Walking back, I stop her. "Congratulations on your first win as Director of A.R.G.U.S," I tell her. "You're perfect for the job. A much nicer fit than Waller ever was."

"Thank you," She tells me. "I'm just trying to do better."

"And you will," I tell her. "You're gonna be great."

"Thanks," She says. "So, this it huh?"

"Till we meet on a new adventure," I tell her with a smile.

She chuckles. "We always end crossing paths on the weirdest ones," She says as I nod.

"See you around," I say with a wink.

"Oh, you should count on it," She tells me. We both hug and then I teleport away, not before waving to Dig.


"Hey, I was wondering..." I start into my phone, leaving a voicemail for Willa. "I know I said I was gonna come by to meet Ella but I have one of the worst migraines ever..."

I start walking to my front door, keys in my hand to open it. "...and it's been one hell of a day with pant wearing sharks, I'll tell you about it later."

I open the door, walking inside my home. "I swear I'll come by tomorrow to meet her. Bye!"

I take my phone, ending the voicemail and put it in my pocket. I take off my jacket, hanging it on a hook as I kick off my shoes. When I finally turn around, I see Barry watching me from his spot against my couch.

"Okay, just because you have a set of keys doesn't mean you can start going all Edward Cullen on me," I joke trying to lighten the mood. He raises a brow seriously as I stop. I walk over to him, sitting down on the couch as he follows sitting down next to me. We turn our bodies to face each other.

"I'm sorry," We both sat together and then freeze.

"I'll go first," We say in unison. "No, I'll go- You go-"

I stop talking as Barry sighs, saying, "I'll go first."

I nod as he starts. "I know I've been distant. It's not that I don't trust you Liv, you have to understand that. I've just- I'm not used to sharing my feelings with people," He tells me. "And I- It's just taking me time to get used to that but- but I swear, I will tell you when something is bothering me. Our relationship is way more important to me than keeping silly secrets."

I nod once he's done, saying, "Thank you... I'm sorry too. For not giving you your space. I know that it's gonna be hard to do this.. for the both of us."

"But we'll do it," He says, before I continue.

I nod. "We will..."


"Hail, hail, the gang's all here. What's good?" Cisco asks, walking into the Cortex, where we all have been gathered by Barry.

"Uh... I need to apologize to you all," Barry says, his eyes fixating on me.

"Um... Last year I made a choice to go back in time and save my mother, and that choice had a lot of consequences that will haunt me for the rest of my life, just like I know it haunts all of you too," Barry says. "Zoom, Jay's death... It's all because of me, but I own those choices. We're the ones who opened the door to Earth-2. We're the ones who brought Zoom here, but we are also the ones who are gonna stop him."

"How? How are we gonna stop Zoom, Allen?" Barry's ska.

"I don't know yet. But those breaches aren't closed forever, and we're not done with Earth-2," Barry says, pulling a silk sheet off to show a small memorial, with Jay's helmet inside. "Jay's death was not in vain. We will meet Zoom again, and the next time, I will beat him, whoever that monster is."


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