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4.3 a verdict

"Thank you," I tell Anatoly

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"Thank you," I tell Anatoly.

"No problem," He says in his Russian accent.

"But you didn't have to poison the guy," I add. After the trial, Anatoly had told us that he had poisoned Adrian so he would only last a couple of hours.

"I was told I would be able to do this my way," Anatoly says. I give him a look and he adds, "With... limitations."

I smile. "I guess the Bratva will be the Bratva."

He smiles back, "I am Anatoly Knyazev. I created Kapushon and Solovey."

I smile and start to say something but Willa comes in. "They have a verdict," Willa says as we go back.


"Will the defendant please rise?" The judge says. "Please publish the verdict."

The clerk then says, "In the matter of the "William Ryans v. Olivia Wells," on all 26 counts of the indictment, we find the defendant not guilty."

"Members of the jury, the court thanks you for your service. You're dismissed."


I walk out of the courtroom and I immediately stop upon seeing everyone standing outside. I then start into a jog which turns to a run. Barry holds out his arms a bit as I run into his arms.

He wraps his arms around me as I hug him tight a smile appearing on my face. We pull apart and are almost about to go in for a kiss when I quickly step away. I see him frown out of the corner of my eye as I look to Cisco, Cait, Jay, Professor Stein, Iris, Joe, and another guy next to Stein. Everyone besides Joe is looking at us weird.

I quickly go in to hug Cisco and Caitlin to distract them. "Oh! Thanks guys for being here!" I say as I move from Professor Stein to Iris to Joe. "Hi," I say to the other guy, who looked a few years younger than me.

"Hey, I'm Jax. I'm Grey's new firey half," Jax says.

"Nice to meet you," I tell him. "I really hope this whole jail thing doesn't make you want to leave."

"Are you kidding? Not at all," He says. He seems to want to say something but Barry interrupts.

"We have something to tell you guys," Barry says as he pulls me next to him.

"We do?" I ask, looking at him.

"Yes, we do," He tells me, before turning to everyone else. "Me and Liv..." He intertwines our finger together. "Are together."

My face forms into a shocked look as I turn to him, "We- we are?" He gives me a look as I turn back to the other. "We are! We are."

"Oh my god!" Cisco says as he comes over and hugs us again. "I didn't miss anything big did I? Like first kiss? First date?"

We give Cisco a look as he quiets down. "Okay," He says slowly. "But you both have have to tell me everything! I need both point of views!"

We laugh as we nod. "Oh, I'm so happy for you guys," Cait says.

I look over to see if this is okay with Joe, to see him smiling. "You knew?" I ask him.

"From the day Barry started going over to Cisco's place every other week," Joe says nodding. "I was just waiting to bust him."

"Yes!" Cisco says, punching the air. "At least I was important in some way in this relationship."

We all chuckle as Iris says, "Oh, it's a literal power couple." Me and Barry smile at each other and he then kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey," Willa says walking up to us.

"Hey!" I say as I pull out of Barry's grasp. I hug her and say, "Thank you so much for this."

"It was nothing," She says as we pull away. "I will always be there for you."

"I know," I say a small smile on my face. "And now I need to be there for you. Get Derek and go back home. You're pregnant and you shouldn't be handling to much stress. I would teleport you home, but I can't do that anymore."

"It's alright. Me and Derek will be gone by the morning. And, we talked about this and we both agreed that we wanted you to be the godmother of this little girl," She explains making me smile. "If you want to."

"Of course. Yes. I- I would love to," I tell her.

"Thank you," She says as we say goodbye and she leaves. I turn back around to just see Barry standing there. I walk over to him as he puts his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"Thank you for telling them. What made you change your mind?" I ask him.

"I just realized I have to stop thinking about the future and live in the moment," Barry says.

"Maybe I should start doing that too," I say, smiling up at him.

He then kisses my forehead and then he says, "Come on, let's go home."


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