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8.2.2 more than a little crazy

"Where were you?" I ask Barry as Me and Cisco walk into the shed

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"Where were you?" I ask Barry as Me and Cisco walk into the shed.

"Hey," Barry responds.

"You missed the whole, save the city or turn my girlfriend over to an immortal psychopath briefing," Cisco comments.

"Yeah, sorry," Barry says. "Um, last night, I, um, I ghosted."


"Yeah, I think I'm going--"

"Don't say it."

"I think I'm going to time jump."

"I just told you not to say it!"

"I'm sorry. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do," Barry says.

"Ok, The first rule of time travel is you don't talk about time travel! Because by having this conversation, we're screwing history!" Cisco says.

"Look, I know that time travel has consequences. I mean, the last time you vibed—" Barry starts.

"Well, I'm not vibing anything right now," Cisco cuts off.

"Okay, um, all right, look, don't panic," I tell them. "A., you don't know that you time jumped for a bad reason. It could have been a good one, right? B., now that you know you time jumped, you might not do it, right?"

"So knowing the future might change the present, which might change the future," Cisco concludes.

"What?" Barry asks cutely, making me smile.

"My head hurts."


"Hey Ollie, what's up?" I ask.

"He's mine. William. He's my son," Oliver says. His voice is wavering and he seemed like he was gonna cry.

"What? Ollie. That- That's great," I say. "What are you- Where are you?"

"I'm going to see him. I- I have to go, I'm just about there," He says.

"Ok. Ok. Go meet your son."


"Are the gauntlets working?" Oliver asks walking in.

"They have to be, we're out of time," Caitlin says.

"I think they'll work. That staff's going to go from "can't touch this" to "invisible touch," Cisco says.

"Savage doesn't know Kendra has access to her full abilities, which makes you our ace in the hole," Oliver says. "We're going to put you up against Savage; you attack with the element of surprise. I will lay down the cover fire. Barry, Liv, you get in, and--"

"Snatch the staff, We got it," Barry says, nodding.

"Where do you need us?" John asks.

"This me, Barry, Kendra and Carter. We've got it," Oliver says.

"Ollie!" Thea interrupts.

"No, we're not risking any more lives tonight than we have to," Oliver says.

Oliver walks out as I follow him. I stop him in front of both of our room doors. "The hell is wrong with you?" I ask him, knowing asking politely won't do anything.

"Nothing, I- Just stay out of it," Oliver says.

"Oh yeah, you know I think I'll- I am not staying out of it!" I whisper-yell. "Me staying out of it can get us all killed! We are going up against a immortal psychopath and we don't have time to mess this up so you better tell me what's going on!"

Oliver sighs and leans against his door. "I- Me and Felicity had a fight. She found out about William," Oliver says. "She doesn't think I was gonna tell her."

"Well were you?" I ask.

He sighs. "I- Samantha didn't want me to tell anyone," Ollie says.

"Don't tell me that. You were supposed to tell Felicity that. I think she would've understood, if you'd told her that," I tell him, as he sighs. "Clear your mind. Once we're done with this, go fix things with Felicity."

He nods and turns. He walks into his room and shuts the door. I turn the other way and head to my door, when I see Barry following. "Hey," I say.

"Hey," He replies. He kisses the top my head. "Suit up," He tells me, his voice muffled.


B A R R Y  P O V

"You brought them. And dressed for the occasion, I see," Savage says walking in.

"We're only doing this because two lives aren't worth two cities," Oliver says.

"Well, in that case, you are wiser than I gave you credit for," Savage says making Liv scoff. "It's been a lifetime. Still wearing those ridiculous outfits, I see. You don't need to be here for this. The culling has a tendency to be... Unsightly. Your new friends betrayed you."

"Just do what you're going to do," Carter tells him.

"It's wonderful to see you again, my love," Savage says, ignoring Carter and focusing on Kendra.

"I will never be your love," Kendra responds.

"I know. That always makes this... Easier. Chay-Ara... Parting is such sweet sorrow," Savage says walking towards Kendra with a knife. Oliver steps in between to fight him as speed to untie them. Suddenly me and Liv are blasted with Savage's staff.

Soon we hear, "Now, Kendra!"

I slowly sit up to see Kendra not being able to open her wings. As I get up, Oliver falls to the ground and Carter is killed. Kendra runs towards Savage as he kills her too. I notice the staff on the ground and see Liv run to grab it. She points it at Savage and says, "I've got it! The gauntlets aren't working!"

Oliver and I come up and grab the staff as well to help. After a while, Oliver says, "You got to let go, Barry!

"No, I'm not leaving you guys," I say.

"You're fast enough to get away, go!" Liv tells me.

"Guys, no," I argue.

"Run, Barry. Run," Oliver tells me.

I give them both a look and the push me away from the staff. I fall to the ground and see Savage snatch his staff from them as they all burn away. I run away, the picture of Liv's body burning in my head.

Suddenly I see myself running next to me and when I stop, I'm back to the warehouse with Liv, Oliver and Merlyn in front of me. "Thank you for coming. I know this is more than a little crazy."


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