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14.4 trapped

"Thank you for bringing them to me," Zoom says

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"Thank you for bringing them to me," Zoom says.

"You double-crossed us? He killed Ronnie!" Cisco yelled.

"Guess my heart is as cold as you thought after all," Frost comments.

"I can't believe you. Just so you know, you would be very disappointed in you right now," Cisco yells.

"Zoom. Let them go," Barry says, stepping forward next to Harry.

"All you need is me and Barry," Harry says.

"You're right. I may not be able to kill you yet, but I can kill them," Zoom says and grabs Jesse.

"No, no! No... I told you I'd kill you in front of your father," Zoom says to her.

"No! No! No..." Natalie says moving towards them.

Suddenly a shard of ice hits Zoom as he falls back. "Get out of here," Frost says waking forwards and trapping Zoom.


"You were right. He killed Ronnie," She says.

"Thank you," Cisco replies as everyone runs out.

"I'm not leaving without him," Barry says.

"Barry, there's no time," Harry argues. "There's no time!"

"I can't hold him forever," Frost comments.

"Hey, I'm coming back for you when this is over, all right?" Barry tells him as the man nods.


"I'm coming back!" Barry says again before he heads out, with us.


"You need to get out of Central City, all right? Any place you think you'll be safe from Zoom," o tell Natalie.

"I- I'm going back to Starling. I have friends who'll keep me safe," Natalie says as I nod.

"Mom, are you coming with me?" I ask. "I know it's a lot to ask but-"

"I talked to Eddie. I'm gonna have to come back at some point, but I'll come, for now," Mom explains.

"And Eddie's not confused at all?" I ask, confused myself.

"He's known about who I am and where I care from for a long time," She says. "I'll explain later."

I nod and Barry walks up to us. "Hey. You guys need to get someplace safe too. Where are you going?" Barry's did Harry.

"The only place we can," Harry says and walks into his lab to get her things, Jesse following.

"Hey," I say, turning to Barry. He smiles and hugs me, tightly. He pulls away slightly and puts his forehead on mine.

"You're Okay?" He whispers.

"I'm fine, Barry," I respond, my voice barely understandable. "You?"

"I am now," He says. He closes his eyes and then sighs. He pulls away and kisses my cheek after. "I love you."

"I love you too," I say. Suddenly an alarm starts to ring. "Come on. We have to go home."

"Wells, if you're coming with us, we have to go," Barry says as we all make our way down to the breach.

Barry quickly runs me, Cisco, and Jesse through there first. "Guys!"

"Get ready to close the breach for good..." Cisco says. "Zoom's coming."

"It shouldn't be taking this long," I say, when they don't come through it.

Suddenly, Barry, Harry, and Mom jump out of it. "Close it! Close it now!" Barry yells as they do.

"You did it... you made it!" Caitlin exclaims.

I sigh, looking at my mom with a smile. "Livvy," She says as she hugs me.

"Welcome home," I say and then pull away.

Suddenly, the breach opens up again and Zoom's hand pierced through Jay's chest as Caitlin yells out for him. Zoom then takes Jay with him, as the breach closes again. We all stand in shock, looking at the spot the breach was.

"He's not dead. He's not dead," Caitlin says. "He's not dead. He's not. This isn't happening. This isn't happening again."

"Hey, I got you," Cisco says as he wraps his arm around her shoulders and walks her out.

"Come on. Open it up," Barry says.


"I need to go back," Barry says.

"I can't do that," Harry says

"Open it up!" Barry yells.

"Allen!" Harry yells. "The breaches are closed. All the breaches are closed."

"Why can't we just open one of 'em?" Joe asks.

"The quark matter energy that we used to seal the breaches, it prevents them from being opened, ever again. There's no going back to our world," Harry says as I scoff.

"I can't go back?" Mom asks at the same time Jesse asks,

"Wait. We're trapped here for good?"


"No, we can't just let Zoom get away with this. He just murdered Jay right in front of us. There's got to be something we can do."

"There's not. Not this time. It's over," Harry says.

"No," Barry says as he storms out.


"How's she doing?" Barry asks, walking up to me and Cisco.

"Not good. We tried to get her to go home, but she refused to leave," I say.

"So, you know, I just sat with her until she fell asleep," Cisco adds.

"First Ronnie, now Jay," Barry says as we scoff.

"Yeah. I'm afraid what this double dose of grief is gonna do to her. I mean, she's pretty shell-shocked," Cisco says.

"She'll be fine. Snow's strong. She'll get past this. But in the meantime, I would not say anything to her about her counterpart from my Earth," Harry suggests. "That goes for Joe and Iris too."


"Because you don't want to influence their reality in ways that should not be influenced," Harry explains.

"Like in the same way as when Barry time-travels?" I ask.

"Exactly, but also, what's the point? Those people are not your people. Their lives are not your lives. Never were, never will be. Bury it. Move on. Yes?"

"Yeah. That I can do," Cisco says.

"Liv?" He asks.

"Yeah? Yeah," I say quietly, nodding.

"Allen?" Harry asks as he nods in response.

"Allen?" Harry asks as he nods in response

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