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3.2 thermite

"So your brother was not kidnapped

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"So your brother was not kidnapped. He was pulling a job with your father," Barry says.

"What? No, Lenny would never do that," Lisa says. He wouldn't? He wouldn't. He has a bad relationship with his father. I used his father against him the first time we fought.

"Oh, just like he would never try and kill The Flash with his cold gun," Cait says.

"Are you sure it was my dad?" Lisa asks.

Cisco puts up a picture of him and Barry says, "That's him."

"Lewis Snart. Convicted of larceny, armed robbery, aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon," Cait reads. Nobody likes a goodie two shoes Cait.

"You have to believe me. Lenny would never work with him. He's a bad guy," Lisa says.

"You and your entire family are criminals. Why should we trust anything you say?" Cait says.

"She's not lying," I say.

"How can you believe her?" Cait asks.

Lisa sighs and pulls at the top of her top to reveal a scar. "I didn't get this scar being a criminal. I got it being a daughter." Lisa then walks away. I try to go after her but Cisco stops me.

"Let me go. I got this," Cisco says before walking away.

I then turn to Caitlin. "They may be criminals but that doesn't mean they aren't victims."


Me and Barry walk into a bar and sit in front of Snart. "Back from the dead so soon, Barry?" Snart asks as we slide in the booth. "Hello, Sunshine. Pass me the salt."

I slide it over to him and he grabs it. "Don't spill. It's bad luck," Barry says. Once Snart uses the salt, he purposefully put the salt down on it side, making me smile.

"Why are you working with Lewis? Lisa told us you hate him," I say.

"Things are... complicated with family, as you both know with your own parents, hmm?" Snart asks.

"Well, I don't really have parents so, I can't relate," I mutter, making Snart smirk.

"Tell us what's going on," Barry says. "Let us help you."

"Don't waste your time trying to save people who don't want to be saved," Snart says.

"Yeah, well, maybe it's not just about you, all right?" I ask.

"I'm betting whatever you two are up to, innocent people are gonna get hurt," Barry explains.

"Don't worry, I remember our deal," Snart says. "You leave me alone, I make sure no one dies. All right."

"You're a criminal, Snart, but you live by a code. It sounds to me like Lewis doesn't, like he won't care if people die," I tell him.

"That's why we can't leave this alone," Barry adds.

"Then everyone will know who The Flash is under that mask," Snart says.

"I don't care. We will take you down anyway. Both of you," Barry says.

"We'll see about that. Thanks for dinner."


"Guess who just got fired," I say walking into the Cortex.

"Why, what happened?" Cisco asks, not taking his eyes off of the screen.

"No one wants to hire the daughter of a murder. Jitters won't even hire me," I say sitting in a chair. Lisa chuckles. "Hey, I wouldn't be laughing. At least I'm not a wanted criminal... in the states at least."

"You're wanted?" Lisa asks, surprised. "Where?" I cross my legs on top of the desk as I look at her.

"Ugh, Russia. Anatoly Knyazev and the rest of the Bratva hate me- well hate-ish hate me," I say, "Word of advice: Don't ever do anything to mess up a Bratva mission. Never ends well." I'm so thankful for Oliver.

"Advice taken," She says with a small smile, which I return.

"Oh my god," Cisco suddenly says, making us look at him confused. "Hey Caitlin! We need you up here, like, right now."

When Cait gets up here, Cisco puts Lisa in a chair and puts a light above her. We look at the examinations and me and Cait share a look and I say, "Oh, boy."

"What is it?" Lisa asks.

"Lisa, there are traces of thermite on your skin," Cait explains.

"Thermite? Like an explosive?" She asks.

"Not like an explosive," Cait says.

"It's a bomb," Cisco answers.

"When you were knocked out, your dad must have injected you with it," I say.

"When you were knocked out, your dad must have injected you with it," I say

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