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4.2 the trial

I walk into the courtroom and notice some witnesses sitting behind Willa and the other attorney

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I walk into the courtroom and notice some witnesses sitting behind Willa and the other attorney. I sit down next to Anatoly who is sitting next to Willa. "It's nice to see you again, Solovey," Anatoly whispers.

"I would rather it be in better circumstances," I respond quietly. Willa suddenly hushes us as we turn our attention from each other.

"All rise," A clerk says as everyone stands. "Docket number 11-21-41-86, Willam Bryce Ryans vs. Olivia Theresa Wells." Status of the parties?"

"Ready for trial."

"Ready for trial," Willa responds.

"Then let's begin."

Willa stands up and begins. "Olivia Wells is innocent. She has no relation to Tanya Kuznetsov."

"6 years ago, Olivia Wells was declared missing. Then she shows up out of nowhere, 2 years later," The other attorney says. "In that time, she had no contact with her family. Who's to say Tanya Kuznetsov isn't just an alter ego, considering none of us haven't even seen Ms. Kuznetsov's face?"

"Objection, lack of foundation," Willa says, rising from her seat.


"I'm sorry your honor but a missing person doesn't just show up out of nowhere with no explanation whatsoever of their time during. In that time, there are reports of seeing her around all of the places where Ms.Kuzentov has taken a liking to."

"Ms.Kuzentov is a Russian criminal," Willa states.

"And yet, who's to say being a criminal isn't hereditary."


B A R R Y  P O V

"Yo, Joe," I say walking towards him. "You good? Everything all right?"

"Yeah. No, I'm-- just had hell of a day," Joe says. "Iris's mother, she told me she was dying." I give him a shocked look. "Yeah, and I know Francine. She's telling the truth about this."

"Okay. Does Iris know? Not yet," Joe answers. "Did-- did you need something?"

"Uh, no, no. I just, um... Patty said you that you don't want me on some case that she's on with you," I tell him.

"No. I was checking out a lead. I'll let you know," Joe responds.

"All right, cool," I say, wanting to ask about something else.

"What is it?" He asks me.

"I— Do you know anything about Liv's case?" I ask.

"The trial is going on right now. Lord knows what's going on down there right now," Joe says making me sigh.

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