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5.4 speed mirage

"How did you get this?" Harry asks holding Doctor Light's mask

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"How did you get this?" Harry asks holding Doctor Light's mask.

"Iris shot it off Doctor Light when she attacked Linda," Barry says.

"You know how to use the mask to find Light?" Jay asks.

"Yes, I do. All we have to do is give it to him," Harry says pointing to Cisco.

We both tense up as Cisco asks, "Why me?"

"Because you have powers," Harry states.

Me and Cisco share a look as he chuckles. "What are you talking about?"

"I developed this watch to detect meta-humans," Harry says. He puts the watch in front of Barry, it beeps. He puts it in front of me, it beeps. It doesn't beep on Cait. "You never got an alert on your phone. You never reprogrammed the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite, and this is why."

"Harry don't meddle with things you know nothing about," I say quietly, yet sternly. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Barry raise a brow as Harry ignores me.

He brings the watch up to Cisco and it starts beeping. "He's a meta-human."

"Cisco, have you known about this, and you didn't say anything to us?" Barry asks.

"Yeah, I was gonna tell you," Cisco says. "Thanks a lot, Harry. I swear I was, but I didn't. I was just... I was afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"Dr. Wells said the dark matter gave me this, this gift. He said that one day I'd thank him for it. What if I become like him?" Cisco asks.

"Cisco, I don't think any of us would become evil if we all of sudden got powers, even if they were from Dr. Wells," Caitlin says.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I should have said something. That's my fault. I'm sorry," Cisco says as I pat his shoulder.

"Well, you can be sorry later, because right now, we have to use your powers to find Doctor Light," Harry says.

"Cisco, your abilities, how do they work?" Jay asks.

"Uh, I get these feelings sometimes, these vibes, visions of the breachers when they come to this Earth," Cisco explains. "I just... I'm not sure what triggers it. Sometimes it just happens. Sometimes it's when I'm touching something of theirs."

"Touch the mask. You want to find Doctor Light, do it," Harry tells him. Cisco sighs and touches the mask.

"Hmm. Hmm. I don't think it's working," He says.

"Try again. Try again!" Harry urges.

Cisco tries and says, "I'm sorry, it's not..."


"I can't control it," Cisco states.

"Because you're afraid. I'm telling you I don't know how it works! I can't just make it happen! I'm telling you, yes, you can!" Harry says forcefully putting the helmet in Cisco's hands.

Cisco gasps and then says, "South Plaza train station, platform 15."

"What are you two waiting for?" Harry asks as we head out.


"Oh, guys, the platform's crowded," Barry says as we arrive at the train station. "Are you sure she's here?"

"She should be wearing a black trench coat," Cisco says.

"Black trench coat," I repeat as I look around. "Found her."

"Everybody, get out of here. Go, go, hurry!" Barry yells as the station clears out.

"Why won't you just let me leave?" Light asks.

"I can't let you leave. You killed an innocent man," Barry says.

"That was an accident," She defends.

"Trying to kill Linda Park wasn't," I say.

"It's the only way that I can be free from Zoom, unless I kill you," She says to Barry.

"I can't let you do that either, so we've got a problem," Barry says.

"We'll see," She says. She then starts to shoot at us. We run and hide.

"Guys, should have talked about this before we left, but how should we stop her?" Barry asks.

"Keep trying different angles. Find her blind spot," Jay says.

"I can't get close enough. What should I do?" Barry asks.

"I don't know."

"I gotta tell ya, that's not exactly the answer I was looking for," Barry says.

"You need to confuse her," Harry suddenly says. "There are two of you but she's got two hands. Give her more than two targets, so she does not know who to fire at."

"All right, how do I do that?" Barry asks.

"By running so fast, you create multiple afterimages of yourself, you create a speed mirage," Harry says.

"A wha... speed mir... I've never run that fast," Barry says.

"Well, from what I've been told, you've traveled through time," Harry says. "You'll be more than fast enough."

Barry then creates many versions of himself, confusing Dr.Light. I try to get close to her but she uses her light to flash us all backwards. I groan as I hit the pole behind me.

"Barry?" I ask.

"I can't do it," He says.

"Yes, you can, Barry. Hey, Dr. Wells is right. You are fast, faster than I ever was and better than I ever will be. Don't let fear and doubt hold you back like it did to me. You're The Flash, Barry. Show Light what that means," Jay tells him.

Barry then sighs and goes for it again. She keeps trying to shoot at the multiple Barry's while I subtly move behind her and knock her into the wall. She falls unconscious as Barry approaches next to me and looks at Light.

 She falls unconscious as Barry approaches next to me and looks at Light

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