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1.0 rambling

6 months after the singularity

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6 months after the singularity...


Me and Liv are standing in front of Snart and Rory. We move away from them and then comeback towards them. They are about to shoot us when we hide behind a car.

Suddenly Firestorm comes in and they then fall on the ground. "I swear one of these days I will kill you!" I hear Snart say.

We come out from behind the car and take apart Snart and Rory's gun as Firestorm says, "I was late again, wasn't I?"

Liv laughs. "Right on time," She says.

We all then go back to S.T.A.R. Labs. "Whoo!" I laugh, high-fiving Cisco.

"Two down at the same time?" Cisco asks. "Superhero double play, baby!"

"Didn't do it alone," I tell him.

"You're never alone, Barry," Cait tells me.

"Neither are you, Mrs. Raymond," Ronnie says as he goes to kiss his wife.

Stein groans. "Thank you for not doing that when I was inside you."

"It happened one time. Let it go."

"Snart and Rory. You're gonna put a cop like me out of a job," Joe tells me.

"Just trying to help," I tell him.

"You do more than help, Barry. You give the people of this city hope," Iris tells me.

"You're the hero, Barry," Eddie adds.

"Of course, he is," Liv says, coming up to me. She gives me a short kiss and then grabs my hand and intertwines it with hers.

"Congratulations, everyone," Dr.Wells says, wheeling in. "A spectacular victory. A milestone, if you will. Mr. Allen,-" He then gets up and comes up to me. "I believe there's nothing left I can teach you. I believe... that you're ready to do all of this on your own."

"Barry?" Liv asks me. "Barry!"

I suddenly snap out of my daydream to see Liv looking at me. I look around to see no one in the Cortex besides the two of us. She gets up from her spot behind the desk and comes up to me. "Hey, Are you Okay?" She asks, putting her hand on my arm.

"Yeah- Yeah, I'm fine," I say, giving her a small smile. She frowns, but quickly covers it up as something starts beeping on the computer.

She goes over to it and says, "They need you in CCPD." She then turns around and leans back on the chair pushed into the desk, looking at me.

"Uh- I- Okay," I say. I go over to her and kiss her. I kiss her hard but slowly and she grabs my arms to steady herself.

She then pulls away and chuckles, "O- Ok. You got to go."

"Yeah- Yeah," I say, with a smile and then kiss her cheek before speeding away.


After Barry leaves, I check the time and sigh. I grab my bag and head to Stagg Industries. I started working their as an Research Engineer after the singularity. The best distraction I could find with what had happened.

A few months after the singularity was also when me and Barry had gotten together. Nobody knows about the relationship and for now... we plan on keeping it that way.

A few months earlier...

Everyone left.

Everyone left the team after the singularity. Barry tried to get me to leave too, but, there was no chance in hell I was leaving. "I'll be your eyes and ears," I tell him, leaning against the doorframe of the Cortex entrance. "I won't even be out in the field."

Barry sighs. "Fine. But, no field. You can't teleport anyways. I can't risk losing you and your leg is still healing. Promise me."

"Promise," I tell him, with a small smile. He smiles as he walks closer to me. "What?" I ask.

"Uh- so I've been thinking about this for a while now and I know with everything that just happened you might say no- which is perfectly okay! Not that you can't say no.." He starts to ramble.

I move forward and cover his mouth with my hand and say, "As cute you are when you're rambling, just get to the point."

I take my hand off his mouth as his cheeks go red and he scratches the back of his neck. He clears his throat and asks, "Will you go out with me? Like on a date."

I smile, meeting his eyes. "You thought I was gonna say no to that?" I ask him as he opens his mouth to answer. I cut him off, "Did you forget about that kiss? Or do I have to remind you?"

"I mean- you could remind me," He says slowly with a smirk, moving forward. Lightning flickers in his eyes and I smile.

"You know, that, is extremely hot," I comment, referring to his eyes.

"What?" He asks with a smirk. "This?" Lightning flashed through his eyes, except this time it's brighter and bolder as if he's trying to show off.

"Yes, that," I tell him in an obvious tone. He smiles, moving closer to me, our noses touching and does it again.

I sigh and grab the collar of his shirt and pull him down, attaching his lips to mine. His hands settle on my waist as he kisses me with force. He pushes my back against the doorframe, his body on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and push him even closer as his hands grip my waist tighter. I then slowly pull away as I say,

"I would love to go out on a date with you."

I walk into my Lab and head over to my deck to see the flyer for Flash day stuck to my computer screen. I pull it off and look at it, and think about the reason this day was created. Flash- the hero of Central City, but not the only one.

 Flash- the hero of Central City, but not the only one

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