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5.2 blind

"Harry's starting to get on my nerves," Cisco says

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"Harry's starting to get on my nerves," Cisco says.

"The silent alarm just went off at the Bank of Central City," I say. "That's gotta be Doctor Light."

"Could be a trap," Cisco says.

"Barry, Liv, trust me, Doctor Light is not a killer. You can talk to her," Jay says.

"Okay," We say in unison. Both me and Barry get to the Bank.

"Looking for this?" I ask.

"We know Zoom sent you here to kill me," Barry says.

"Good news, you don't have to do that," I add.

"Not if I can get out of town with that cash," Light answers.

"And then what?" I ask. "Zoom's not gonna like that you ditched him, right?"

"My friends and I can help you," Barry says.

"Nobody can protect me from Zoom!" Light says, as her hands start to light up.

"All right, why don't we take it down a lumen, have a normal conversation, all right?" Barry asks. "Thank you."

Suddenly she takes her mask off. "Linda?" I ask.

"Linda Park?" Barry asks.

"How do you know my name?" She asks.

"I don't understand," Barry says.

"This was a mistake," Light says. She then blasts her light at me and Barry. I block myself using my force field but Barry is hit and falls to the ground and I run to him.

"Guys, what's happening?" Cisco asks.

"I can't see. Guys, I can't see," Barry says.


"I still can't see," Barry says. "How long is this gonna last?"

"You're suffering from solar retinopathy," Cait tells him. "Your retinas are severely damaged. You're lucky you're not permanently blind. But with your rapid regeneration abilities, your sight should return soon. 6.25 hours by my estimation."

"All this could have been avoided if you just stopped Light instead of chitchatting with her," Harry says. I have to say I agree.

"She caught Barry off guard," Jay defends.

"Always an excuse with you, right? He's the fastest man alive. How could she possibly do that?" Harry asks.

"Because Light looks exactly like my ex-girlfriend, Linda Park," Barry informs.

"That's why Zoom sent her... because he knew you'd hesitate," I say.

"That means Zoom had to have known somehow that Linda was your ex," Cisco adds.

"Which is why Barry has to act now, before Zoom sends another double from Barry's life," Harry says.

"All right, right now, I'm more worried about Linda. When I saw who was under the mask, I said her name," Barry explains. "What if Light didn't even realize that she had a doppelganger here until I accidentally told her?"

"The first thing that Atom Smasher did when he crossed the breach was to kill his doppelganger," Cisco says.

"Yeah, but Light's not like Atom Smasher," Jay tries.

"We should keep an eye on your Linda," Harry suggests.

"All right, I'll go," Barry says. He gets up and then bumps into Cait. He apologizes and heads for the doe but hits the door too. He tries to maneuver without his sight, but is unsuccessful.

"You can't do anything until your sight returns," I tell him, walking over to him.

"No, no, no, come on, here's the little rail here," Barry reasons, moving his hands around to put one on my shoulder.

"I'll do it," Jay says as I mouth thank you to him. He nods in response.

He nods as Cait says, "I'll go with you!"

"Hey, Barry!" Iris says, walking in. "Hey. I came as soon as I heard... You look just like him."

"I'm guessing my counterpart did something to offend her as well?" Harry asks.

"Her fiancé died because of him," Cisco explains.

"Oh," Harry says dryly before walking away. Barry slowly turns to Iris with me helping him.

"Iris, I know it's weird seeing him," Barry tells her as I head over to Cisco.

"So, you got another one of those visions today Cisco," I say quietly, as I stand behind his chair, him facing the screen in front of him.

"I know," He says. "I'll tell them. Eventually..." I squeeze his shoulder. "But when I tell, you gotta tell too."

I sigh. "Okay." Suddenly I hear two rings go off. One I recognize from Barry's phone and one from mine. I grab my phone and look at the message reminding me of our date.

I walk over to Iris and Barry as she asks, "You guys we're gonna go out today?"

"Uh, Yeah," I say as I rub my hand up and down Barry's arm. "But don't worry. We'll reschedule. Maybe next week."

"I feel terrible," Barry sighs. "You know what- I'll be fine, come on let's go."

"B-Barry," I say. "You're blind. You could barely walk out to the Cortex. How are you gonna get through the date?"

"He'll have you to guide him," Iris suggests, as Barry nods. "Come on! You could drive him there and then help him with the menu. It'll be cute, and oh! It'll be like a reversed role date. You do the things the guy always does and Barry can- you know- have the luxury of being escorted."

"Yeah, we could do that. Please," Barry says, nodding quickly.

I look at Barry's pleading face and a small smile slowly forms on my face as I say, "Fine. Let's go have this blind date."


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