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23.0 henry allen

B A R R Y  P O V

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B A R R Y  P O V

"And this is what's gonna make you just like me!" Jay yells moving Dad in front of him.

"Your mother and I love..." Dad starts but cuts himself off.

"Jay!" I yell. Then, I see Jay's fist through my dad's heart as I yell, "No!"

I watch as Dad falls down on the ground. I quickly fall next to him. "Dad? Dad? Hey! Hey! Hey, look at me. Look at me. Dad. Don't leave. Not again. Not again. Dad! Come on. Come on. Come on," I say, trying to get him back up and talking. "No. Dad. No, Dad." He suddenly lays still, his eyes closed.

"I told you family was a weakness," Jay says. I look up at him from my spot. "You feel the anger, don't you, Flash? And now... the two of us are the same."

"No!" I yell, pinning him to the wall. "No!"

"There you go, Flash! Use your anger, just like I did," He says, as we both run out after each other.

Soon, I tripped Hunter, making him fall to the ground. He gets up and runs up a building, I ran after him, running him down and throwing him against a wall. When he falls down, I pull of his mask and hold him up, punching him. "I got you, Zolomon!" I yell.

"Go on, Barry. Embrace your anger. End me!" He says, my vibrating fist close to his face. Suddenly, something else comes and kills him. I step back as another Zoom shows up.

"Let me do it for you," He says, then takes off his mask. "So close, Barry."

"Another time remnant," I say realizing my mistake.

"You see, Barry, there could be two of you. You just have to be willing to kill yourself," He says. "Yeah. You're almost ready." He throws me against the wall, running away.



Henry was dead. Zoom had killed Henry in front of Barry's eyes. After it happened, around midnight, Barry had gone home, leaving everyone worried to what may have happened. When I walked home, I saw him crying in the guest room. Through tears, he hiccuped out the events that had transpired that night. I informed everyone else of the news before going to comfort Barry.

Now, we were standing at the cemetery, holding umbrellas in the rain for Henry's funeral.

"...And comfort us today with the word of your promise as we return our brother to the earth, and leave us with the hope that, one day, we'll meet again," The man finishes.

Barry steps forward, looking at me as I nod slightly. "Um... my father's..." He tried. When he can't he sighs. "I can't do this right now."

"It's okay, Barry," I say as he moves to stand next to me.

"Henry Allen," Joe starts instead. "Henry suffered two great losses in his life. He lost his wife, Nora, and he lost Barry. He suffered guilt, embarrassment, ridicule, shame, and everything that comes with being blamed for a crime he didn't commit. Henry Allen was proof that love can get you through the darkest of days, and that love will keep him alive in all of our hearts."

Barry grabs a rose, crouching down to set it on top the coffin. "I'm gonna find him, Dad," He says. "I promise you I'm gonna take from him what he took from you."


"Guys, Zoom's still out there," Barry says, pulling out attention as we sat in the West household. "We need to come up with a plan."

"The man can crack open breaches to Earth-2," Cisco says. "I mean, if he can do that, what else can he do that we don't know about?"

"Right after he killed his time remnant, he told me I was "almost ready," Barry says.

"Almost ready for what?" Iris asks.

"I don't know."

"Yep. Classic psychopath. Why can't they ever just say what they want to do?" Cisco asks. "We also have to figure out why I keep vibing Earth-2 being ripped to shreds."


"It's like I'm watching "Transformers" in 4-D, but, like, ten times more realistic and with much better acting," Cisco says.

"Look, if you can vibe the future, we need to stop Zoom before that happens," Joe says.

"I'm gonna get some air, all right?" Barry asks, walking out.

"I got it," I say to everyone before walking out. I step out, walking over to Barry, sitting down next to him on the steps. He looks at me, giving me a small smile that I return before we look in front of us."

"When I was in the Speed Force, I felt like I'd finally come to grips with her death, with not saving her when I went back," He says as I look at him. "And then the moment... where I'm finally at the place I can move on, my father's taken from me. How am I ever supposed to find peace with that?"

"You can't. Not for a while," I say, meeting his eyes. "It's hard, but you're gonna have to find a way to do that, or it's gonna tear you apart."

"I just miss him so much already," Barry says as I grab his hand. He intertwines our hands as he gives me a sad smile.

Out the corner of my eye, I see a light blue color but don't think of it as anything.

"Zoom," I hear Barry suddenly say.

"Barry, no!" I yell but Barry's already too far gone.

"Barry, no!" I yell but Barry's already too far gone

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