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9.3 the honeymoon phase

"Captain Singh really did a good job picking this place," I say, walking back into the hotel room that we had checked into late at night yesterday

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"Captain Singh really did a good job picking this place," I say, walking back into the hotel room that we had checked into late at night yesterday.

"Yeah," Barry says. He's sitting down on the middle of the bed, crisscrossed, working on his computer. He looks up at me. "He was surprisingly generous with this thing."

"Who knows, maybe he's a secretly a hopeless romantic," I say sitting down on the edge of the bed, facing Barry.

"Maybe," Barry answers as he leans forward and gives me a kiss.

When we pull away, I ask, "When are you going to have to go to the precinct?"

"Not for a while," He answers as I move up closer to him on the bed.

"So what I'm hearing is... we have time," I say, with a smile.

"Yeah, but I still have to finish reading the case files," Barry tells me. "I can't go to them with no idea what's going on."

I sigh. "Okay," I pout as I put an arm around him. I lean into him and kiss his collarbone. Feeling him let out a shaky breath, I smirk against his skin. I trail kisses up his neck and then put my lips against his ear. "I guess I'll go shower alone."

I then pull away with a smirk and start to get up, when I hear him curse and the click of a laptop closing behind me. I turn around and see Barry watching me. "Case files can wait" He says. I chuckle as he comes up to me and kisses me, slowly backing me into the bathroom.


I walk down to the lobby and bump into someone. I look up to see the guy from the mall. "Hey!" I say. "You're here too!"

He chuckles. "Hi. What are you doing here?" He asks.

"My boyfriend had to come for work and thought it would be a good idea for me to come along. A getaway sort of thing. What about you?" I ask.

"We're doing the same thing, but with our daughter," He explains. We both settle into silence until he says, "I'm Rowan."

"Olivia," I tell him.

"So- um- you and you're boyfriend, how long have you guys been together?" He asks.

"A couple of months," I say. "Almost half a year."

"Ahh. So let me guess, still in the honeymoon phase? Together all the time, lots of dates, lots of sex," He says.

"Well kind've. Not always together. And our dates are of a normal amount, but yes, lots of sex," I say, chuckling.

"Must be nice," He says.

"What about you and your husband?" I ask. "Past the honeymoon phase?"

"Ahh, but one can not truely be past the honeymoon phase," He says making me laugh. "But yes, we're now onto the arguing out of love phase."

"Is that a phase?" I ask a smile on my phase.

"I don't know, but it probably should be," He says. "Say, do you guys maybe want to go for a double date? We could meet here and then go to a restaurant. It'd be nice to meet someone new for a change."

"Sure," I say, smiling. "That'd be great."


"So, I met this guy-"

"What- What- What guy?" Barry cuts off, stuttering out his words. He was suddenly much more interested in Liv's words.

"He's gay," I tell him. "And married."

"Oh," Barry answers, sighing. "So what about him?"

"Well he invited us up for a double date. I told him we'd come," I say.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" Barry asks.

"C'mon! We need more friends," I say, slipping onto the couch arm, my arm around his shoulders, my hand playing with his hair.

"We have friends-"

"Friends that aren't related to The Flash," I say. "Coupley friends."

He sighs. "Ok," He agrees.

"Really?" I ask, my hand stopping its tracks in his hair as I looked at him, not really believing his word.

"Sure. I guess I could try to be social tonight," Barry says sarcastically, a smile growing on his lips.

"Thank you," I tell him, kissing his briefly on the lips.


"Well we told you about us, tell us about you guys. How did the two of you meet?" Rowan's husband, Lucas asks us.

"Uh- Well, he scared me and I punched him," I say, stretching the truth.

"Really?" Rowan asks.

"Yeah, basically," Barry answers with a small chuckle.

"How long?" Lucas asks, gesturing at us.

"We're gonna be at half a year tomorrow. Well, actually- just in a couple of hours," Barry says making me smile. "Wh- How long have you guys been together?"

"Two years. He proposed a year ago," Lucas says as Rowan blushes.

"Not to sound rude, isn't a year a bit early to..." I trail off.

"You're fine. We get it a lot. Truth is, as long as you truly love and trust the person, it's never too early. Instead, you have to do it before it's too late," Rowan explains, making me smile.

I feel Barry's hand intertwine with mine underneath the table and I turn to see him smiling at me. I smile back and then we look back at the couple in front us, grinning. "Let's eat."


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