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8.1.1 overload

"Wow," Barry says as we walk into the new Arrow cave, which was now named the Bunker

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"Wow," Barry says as we walk into the new Arrow cave, which was now named the Bunker. "Nice new digs. Also, I just noticed, no sleeves. Don't you get cold?"

"I spent the better part of five years on an island in the North China Sea," Oliver says. "I don't get cold, Barry."

"Ollie," I say as I hug him.

He smiles. "Ollie," He greets. As we pull away, he says, "Can we talk later? It's important."

I nod as we turn to Felicity and Barry greeting. Felicity punches Barry. "How come you didn't tell me Zoom broke your back?"

"I..." Barry trails off as she hugs him.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay," She says.

"So this is what it's like dating her?" Barry asks.

"More bruises from her than from Deathstroke," Oliver says as we chuckle, Barry moving to my side. His hand brushes mine and I watch Oliver's eyes immediately snap over to them. He looks back up, clearing his throat. "I uh- I heard that you two.. are.."

"Uh, Yeah," Barry says scratching the back of his head, a small smile on his face. A smile grows on mine too as me and Barry share a look. We look at Oliver hesitantly, as if we were asking a parent for their blessing.

Oliver's smile drops, his face suddenly serious as he turns to Barry, saying, "You hurt her and-"

"You snap my neck," Barry finishes, nodding, "I know... I know."

"I would never," Barry mumbles, his face doing a very bad job of hiding his fear.

Oliver gives us a genuine smile and winks at me as my smile grows at the action. Kendra looks around and says, "Okay, S.T.A.R. Labs is impressive, but this is..."

"This is completely wrong!" Cisco yells coming in. "Did you guys even look at the specs I sent over? This is a tragedy. I'm mourning for the death of engineering. Copper wiring to handle the processing speed from the Palmer Satellite, or else your system is gonna overload."

"Yeah, but that hasn't happened," Felicity stutters. "I mean, it hasn't happened since last week. I mean, it didn't... It happened yesterday."

"Hi. I'm Felicity," She says to Kendra.

"I'm Kendra Saunders. I'm Cisco's..." Kendra trails off.

"She's, uh, my, uh, new, beautiful friend who kisses me occasionally," Cisco tries to explain as Oliver and I stifle a laugh.

"Right. Um, I'm Thea," Thea introduces. "This is John Diggle and my brother-"

"Oliver Queen," Kendra finishes.

"Hi," Oliver says shaking her hand.

"Wow. Okay, first to meet The Flash and the Phoenix and now the Green Arrow," Kendra says. "Do you have any other surprises for me?"

Cisco chuckles and mutters, "Please, no more surprises."

"Barry said that you need our help?" Oliver asks. "Somebody very dangerous is after you."

"Yeah, and I have no idea why," Kendra says.

"What does this guy even look like?" Thea asks.

"Hold on," Barry says and then uses his super speed to speed-draw is a picture. "Okay, this is him."

"Yeah, see, that's something I would never think of," Dig comments making Barry chuckle.

"Hey, kind of rocking that Dothraki look... hot," Felicity says. "Let's see if facial recognition can find a match...."

Felicity pulls up a picture and Kendra says, "That's him."

"Yeah, strange. This picture's from 1975," Felicity says.

"Which would make him about 80 years old right now," Barry adds.

"Okay, what else can you tell us?" Oliver asks.

"He said we've known each other for ages, but I've never met the man before," Kendra explains.

"There has to be some kind of connection," Oliver says.

"Not one I can think of," Kendra says. "I just moved to Central City six months ago."

"Why'd you move there?" I ask.

"I just felt drawn to the city, I guess," Kendra tells us.

"Kendra, there is a reason this guy's after you. Think," Oliver pushes.

"Look, man, we just came out here to hide out for a bit until we figure things out, so you can just take it down..." Cisco trails off.

"You came here because you need our help. This is what my help looks like," Oliver says harshly.

"Oliver, I just saved you guys from whatever the hell Flock of Seagulls was about to do. The least you can do is..." Barry starts.

"Barry, none of us have superpowers," Oliver yells making me flinch. "You brought Kendra into our world without knowing who she is or what this dude that is after her is looking for. You made all of us unsafe. So maybe you ask the questions."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Felicity starts. "We're all friends here, right?"

"Mm-hmm," Oliver says calming down.

"Why don't we go back to our place and have some drinks, and we can talk?" She asks.



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