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17.1 early

"Okay, you're gonna go back to the time when Wells was distracted by the return of the major jackass, Hartley Rathaway," Cisco explains

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"Okay, you're gonna go back to the time when Wells was distracted by the return of the major jackass, Hartley Rathaway," Cisco explains.

"This is the first time we found out Dad knew the accelerator might explode, and we were all angry with him, so anything that might seem odd about your behavior Wells should attribute to that," I say.

"Also remember: Do not underestimate Hartley. He almost killed you," Cisco adds.

"This is a tranq dart that should knock "old" you out for about six hours, which lines up perfectly for when you're going back, because not much was happening until Hartley attacked the Cleveland Dam that night, so that should give you time to learn what you need and return," Caitlin explains.

"One more thing. You cannot tell us the truth about Wells, no matter what. You must keep the timeline intact," I say.

"It's gonna be hard to course correct if anything gets altered, so get what you need and come back, preferably to this moment, this exact time you're leaving, or else you might set off some kind of "12 Monkeys" time loop you'll never get out of," Cisco says.


"No pressure," Cisco says.

"Yeah. Cool."

"So, we'll see you in, like, two seconds," Cisco chuckles. "Time travel's so weird."

Cisco hugs Barry and then Caitlin hugs him saying, "Godspeed, Barry."

"Godspeed," I repeat as he comes to hug me.

"I'll be fine," He says, before giving me a kiss. I brace myself, my hands gripping his arms before I pulled away. I sighed kissing him on the cheek. "What could go wrong?"

Giving Harry one last look, Barry runs out.



I look around to see myself in an alley and to see myself, Liv and Hartley fighting. "Oh, no. I'm too early," I say looking around.

"You know my name? I know some names too. This is not a good start. Caitlyn Snow. Cisco Ramon. Harrison Wells..." When Hartley goes to say Liv's name, feedback from the comms squeals in my ears.

"Gah! Damn it," I say running back when I see Young-Barry looking at me.

"I can hear the radio waves..." I hear Hartley say.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember this," I say.

"...Emanating from your suit. This could still work. About 1,900 megahertz. Are they on the other end listening? Will they hear you die?"

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