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12.2 stolen speed

I walk slowly head towards Harry's Lab with two cups of coffee in my hands

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I walk slowly head towards Harry's Lab with two cups of coffee in my hands. When I approach the room, I use my foot to knock a little on the door and Barry and Harry look up from what they were working on. I smile as I walk inside. "Hello," I say.

"Hey," Barry says. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, you two have been working really hard. I thought you'd like some coffee," I say.

They nod as I hand them both a cup. Harry takes a sip, Barry doing the same. "Thanks," Harry says as I nod.

"So, Any progress?" I ask.

"A little."

"Your boyfriend has been very helpful," Harry says as I smile at Barry.

"Of course he has. So how soon till I get to meet the famous Jessie?" I ask with a smile.

"Soon," Harry says. "Soon."

I smile. "Well, you two seem to be doing quite the bonding," I say as they nod.

"He's still slightly annoying," Harry says as I chuckle.

"Uh, how's Roy?" Barry asks.

"He's doing great, but he's leaving. He got a call from his job, wherever that is. They need him," I say, sadly. Barry runs his hand, up and down my arm, trying to calm me.

"Roy's the- uh- the red sweatshirt?" Harry asks as I nod with a chuckle at the nickname. "Seems like a nice guy."

"He is," I say and sigh. "Well, you guys should get back to work. We shouldn't be wasting any time in finding Jessie," I say as Harry nods. Barry pulls me down and gives me a kiss before I head out.


"Hey. I ran background checks on everyone involved in this Tar Pit mess, came up empty," Joe says. "I mean, they all have records, but they're sealed, so I can't read them."

"Well, that's 'cause you're bound by ethics, Detective West," I say.

"How many felonies are we committing breaking into sealed court records?" Joe asks.

"Eh, three or four. Nope, five," Cisco says.

"Well, they were sealed because the records are all juvenile offense," Barry says.

"They weren't arrested together."

"No, but look at this. They served in the same juvenile detention facility. Actually, Monteleone and victim one were bunkmates," Cisco says.

"Who do we have shacked up with vic two?" Barry asks.

"Bronwen, comma, Clark. Good luck finding him. He has a ton of addresses and I can't seem to find anything current. I'll run his picture through facial recognition," Cisco says.

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