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22.2 beats by wells

"Laurel," I say, looking at her

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"Laurel," I say, looking at her.

She chuckles. "Laurel Lance is dead. On this Earth, anyway. Poor Black Canary," She says. "Bye-bye, birdy."

My hand turns into a fist and then back to normal and back into a fist as I try to stop myself from punching her.

"So... what do we call you?" Barry asks.

"You can call me Black Siren," She says. "Zoom mentioned that you two might be showing up."

"If he told you what we can do, you should look more afraid," Barry says.

"And so should you," She says confidently.

"Tell me, why did you take down Mercury Labs?" I ask.

"Because I like to watch things crumble and fall," She says. "Guess what. You're next."

She uses a sonic wail on us and my wings open on instinct as theu wrap around me, protecting me slightly from the scream. Me and Barry both fall back as she uses her scream again.

"You okay?"

"Look. Anything over 200 decibels will kill a human."

"Was that too loud?" She says as we get up. "Perhaps we should quiet things down a bit."

She starts to fight Barry as he soon falls back onto the ground, then she throws a punch at me. Still a bit disoriented from her scream, I am not able to block the punch but I punch back, giving her a spin-hook kick in the stomach making her stagger backwards. She then stands back up, punching me, making me fall back from the force. Barry then stands back up but she kicks him, making him fall back with force.

"You know, the sad thing is, I think Zoom's actually afraid of you," She says. "And I didn't think that he feared anything. And you, you're hardly worth the chills. How many metas did he send to try and kill you? Well, it's too bad. He should have just sent me because that way, you would have already been..."

Suddenly, a car comes out of nowhere, throwing Black Siren on the ground and I bite my lip, trying not to laugh at the circumstance. The door opens to reveal Wally.

"Get in," He says. Barry gets in the car first, using his speed to make his face unrecognizable and I get in after, trying to cover my face with my hair. He then drives away. "Thought you might need a lift."

"Yeah," Barry sigh.

"Thanks," I say.

"You're welcome," He says with a smile. "And umm- don't believe we've met." I look at his extended hand and shake it.

"Thanks for the lift," I repeat, and then Barry runs us both out of the car, into the Cortex.


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