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9.4 love

"See that wasn't so bad," I tell Barry

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"See that wasn't so bad," I tell Barry. After the double date, we decided to go for a little walk on the coast. I'm wearing Barry's jacket over my dress and I have my hand in his.

"No, it wasn't," He says, a small smile on his face. I start walking forwards when I am pulled back, landing with my chest against Barry's.

I put my hands on his shoulders to stable myself, his hands on my waist, and I look up at him. He moves his face close to mine, our noses touching, our breaths mingling. My body starts burning up and I see flickers of lightning in Barry's eyes as well. I stay quiet and watch him as his gaze lingers on my lips and then scans the rest of my face. He looks me in the eyes, the moonlight reflecting from his green eyes. "Barry," I finally breathe out.

Before I can continue, Barry says, "I love you."

My breath catches in my throat as my hands start shaking. I step back and give him a sad look. "You- You can't," I whisper.

I see hurt flash across his eyes as he asks, "Why not?"

"I- Barry- I'm gonna die, Barry," I tell him. "I'm supposed to die and you're supposed to end up with Iris."

"Livvy we can stop you from dying. We can figure it out," Barry says trying to come close to me only for me to step back again.

"Can we really?" I ask him. "Barry, we don't even have the vial. And we don't know, something could happen, still getting you with Iris."

"Why is this suddenly about Iris?" Barry asks.

"Barry, you're supposed to end up with her. She was practically created just to be with you!" I say.

Barry steps closer to me, cupping my cheeks in both of his hands. "She may have been made to be with me, but we would never work. You know why?"

I stare at him, question in my eyes, tears threatening to spill. "Because- because..." He puts a strand of hair behind my ear as he continues, "I- Livvy, I- I was made to be with you," He says. "I love you. I. Love. You."

"Barry. The future is inevitable. The odds are against us," I tell him, my voice breaking.

We couldn't even get to half a year before this conversation. But I guess it had to be done sooner or later.

"Then we change them. We make them with us. We show time that we aren't gonna give into what's in store for us," Barry says, coming up closer to me. "We change it. Make it better."

"I love you," Barry says, kissing my collarbone.

"It's you, Olivia. You're the only one for me," He says, kissing my neck. My breath catches in my throat, not just by his action, but also by his words. First time he's said my whole name.

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