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I walk into the West household to see Wally and Barry working on something together

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I walk into the West household to see Wally and Barry working on something together. They look up from their work at my arrival.

"Hey," Wally says to me with a smile, getting up from his spot to stand in front of me.

"Hey, Wally," I smile back. I look down at the papers in my hand and hold it out to him. "Umm, you left these earlier. It's about the engine on the turbine super cars. Which, I looked over these- I hope you don't mind-"

"I don't," He cuts in which I nod.

"Well, you've got some ideas. I would love to see one of these in real life one day," I tell him with a smile.

"Thanks," He says, taking the papers.

"Hey," I hear a voice say. I turn to see Iris and immediately bump into the table.

"Hey, Iris," I say, my voice strained since the table hit a small bruise on my body.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Iris asks me, examining my face carefully.

I gulp, knowing what this is about. "Sure," I say, displaying a smile as I followed her into the kitchen.

I leaned against the counter and so did she, facing me. "What is going on, Liv?" She asks me softly. "Ever since you came back from Earth-2, you've been avoiding me."

"N- It's nothing," I say.

"I know it's something. Come on, what's going on?" She asks.

"I- I shouldn't tell you this," I say, shaking my head, but I continue, "When I went to meet my mom, I- I met E- I met Eddie."

I watch as she gasps, her eyes watering. "He- he was adopted, by my mom. He- His parents died when he was younger," I tell her, my voice breaking. "I wanted to bring him with us."


"I wanted him here, maybe things would be better with him back," I say.

"Liv, you couldn't. It wouldn't be safe for him here," She whispers and I nod, wiping a tear that fell on my cheek.

"I'm sorry," I tell her, knowing how hard it is to lose someone you love.

She gives me a sad smile. "You did the right thing. And I'm fine. I'm moving on, slowly," She tells me. She wipes her tears and clears her throat.

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