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21.0 speed force

"Liv? Liv? Liv!" I suddenly snap out of my thoughts and look Cisco

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"Liv? Liv? Liv!" I suddenly snap out of my thoughts and look Cisco.

"Hey, are you-" Cisco cuts himself off. "He's not gone."

"I- I should've helped, maybe if I'd done something, he wouldn't be- he wouldn't be gone," I say, my voice cracking at the last word. "It happened again."

"Liv, he's not gone. Hey, everyone went to check on Jesse and Wally but-"

"What- What happened to Jesse and Wally?" I ask.

"They were hit by the wave. They're alive but Henry is checking on them," Cisco says, he then holds both of my hands, helping me stand. "Look, Barry's alive. He has to be. You wanna help me try to find out where Barry went?"

"Yeah," I nod, as Cisco wipes my tears and leads me over to the computer.

"I'm gonna go look at the suit," He says and I nod. Cisco goes over and touches the suit, hoping for a vibe. "I saw him! I saw Barry. He's alive."



I wake up with a gasp, looking around to see myself at my child home. I walk downstairs, chuckling at the memories and find Joe on the floor of the living room. "Joe?" I ask.

"Good to see you, Barry. But I'm not Joe," he says.

"You're not?"


"And all of this?" I ask. "It's not real?"

"How do you feel, being back here?" Joe asks.

"I feel awful," I answer.

"We thought you'd be more comfortable talking to someone who looked familiar and in a place you knew," He says.

""We"? Who's "we," exactly?" I ask.

"That's a little hard to explain. Sit, Barry. Sit," Joe says as we both sit down. "How much do you know about the Speed Force?"

"It's the source of my power. It's what makes me a speedster," I answer.

"Yes... and no," He answers. "When the first subatomic particle sprang forth from the Big Bang to form reality as you know it, we were there. When the last proton decays, stops vibrating, and plunges the universe into heat death, we'll be there too."

"I'm talking to the Speed Force?" I ask. "Isn't that like saying I'm having a conversation with gravity or light or..."

"You need a minute," He says when I stand up in shock. "It's okay if you do. It's a lot to take in."

"So you're saying I'm... I'm talking to the source of my power, which just so happens to look like... my adoptive dad?" I ask. "That's trippy."

He laughs. "We pretty much invented trippy here."

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