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22.0 mercury labs

"Well that was some night," I comment as me, Barry and Iris walk out of the elevator

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"Well that was some night," I comment as me, Barry and Iris walk out of the elevator.

"Yeah. We usually take these guys down one at a time, not 100 at a time," Barry says as I nod.

"And yet, you guys don't seem overwhelmed," Iris comments.

"I know we can do it."

"Guys. You have to come see this," Cisco says. Me and Barry share a look as we all run into the Cortex.

"Cisco, what are you... Caitlin?" Barry asks as we find her sitting in the Cortex.

Me and Barry run over to her, and I crouch down in front of the girl.

"She's in shock. A little... dehydrated and malnourished, but I think she'll be fine," Henry says.

"I'm okay," She says softly, looking at me and Barry.

"What happened? How did you get away?" Barry asks her, crouching down next to me.

"He... let me go. I didn't think he would; I thought it was a trap. But... he told me you both were dead," She says, her voice wavering.

"Oh, honey," I say softly. I hold her hand as Barry holds her other, bringing her comfort.

I go and hug her and then pull away as Barry says, "We're not. We're right here."

"We're all here, together," I say.

"Snow. Jay's not here. You're safe," Harry tells her and she shakes her head, tears falling down her face.

"He's gonna overrun the city. You can't stop him," She says.

"Yes, we can. Listen to me, he's not going to succeed," I tell her, trying to comfort her.

"We've got this. This is our Earth," Barry adds as I nod.

"You don't know that. You don't know what he is capable of," She says.

"I know from being in the Speed Force that the universe is with us, not Zoom," Barry says. "And if the universe is with us, how could we possibly lose? Right, guys?" Umm..

"Yeah, yeah, right," Jesse says hesitantly.

"You've been through a lot. You should get some rest, come on," I say as we all stand up.

I hug her one last time as Barry gives me a look before taking her to the med bay. "You were in the Speed Force?" I hear her ask as they walk away.

"I... when you were gone. It's hard to explain, but we tried to get my powers back and when the dark matter lightning..."

"Okay, I'm gonna say it," Cisco says. "Um, we don't think he's being just a little too..."

"Overconfident?" I ask. "Yeah, maybe it was his time in the Speed Force."

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