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4 peace

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"Snow. You're a tremendous scientist, but... you're an even better person," Harry says to Cait.

"Don't make me cry, Harry. I've done enough of that already," Cait says hugging him.

"Detective Joe West... Harry. You have great kids," Harry tells him, shaking Joe's hand. "You take care of them."

"Same to you. You take care of that beautiful girl," Joe says.

"Yes, sir."

Harry walks over to Barry, giving him a hug. "Hey. I'm a better man than I was when I got here, and that's 'cause of you," He says.

"I'm not the same either."

"Hey, don't be surprised if I project myself over to Earth-2 every once in a while, you know, just to throw your stuff across the office," Cisco says making us all laugh.

"I'll miss you too, Cisco," Harry tells him and then looks at me.

I give him a smile as he walks over and gives me a hug. I hug him and then pull away. "Thank you," I say softly, my voice wavering. "For everything you did."

"I'm glad you got your mom back," Harry simply says. "I was happy to help."

"Look, I know you're not my dad but... thank you, for being there for me. Especially after what happened with Thawne," I say quietly.

"Look, don't tell anyone I'm going soft but.... you're like another daughter to me," Harry replies quietly making me chuckle.

"I'm gonna miss you," I say, as he says goodbye as well. We hug again as he moves away, heading back to the front.

After saying goodbye to Wally, Jesse moves over to me. She hugs me and I hug back, then we pull away. "You're like the sister I never had," She says as I smile.

"Same, Jess," I tell her. "Hey, I will make Cisco drop me off so I can finally beat you in Monopoly."

Jesse laughs. "Not if I beat you first, Wells," She replies, making us laugh.

"I guess this is goodbye huh?" A voice says. I look in front of me to see my mom as I smile.

"I seriously can't cry anymore," I say hugging her. "I can't believe you're going."

"I told you I can stay. I don't mind-"

"No. You're much happier on your earth. With Eddie," I say. "Plus, I'll have Cisco portal me to Earth-2 during holidays."

She smiles. "I would love that," She says. She fixes my hair as her hand falls on my arm. "You have grown into a wonderful young woman. And I love you."

"I love you too mom."

She then moves next to her father and turns to all of us. "Thank you guys, seriously, for saving our home."

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