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2.3 pull a zeus

I sit at my desk staring at the Thawne Journal on it

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I sit at my desk staring at the Thawne Journal on it. After hours of staring, I finally sigh and pick it up. I open it up to the first entry.

Journal Entry #1

Harrison Wells' missing daughter is real. Her name is Olivia Theresa Wells. Clever. She may grow up to create a problem, though. Or she might end up being a good ally. Either way, it's not like she'll have an impact on my time. It's better to have an ally then a problem. If I raise her just right, then maybe. It's better than killing the 12 year old. Maybe this is what the blonde was talking about before.

Huh. Who thought the psychopath had morals? And who's the blonde?


We open the pipeline and walk up to Jay in his cell. "Finally come to your senses?" He asks.

"Sand Demon kidnapped a police officer," I say.

"A woman that I know," Barry adds.

"And you need my help?" Jay asks.

"I need you to help us save her. Before something happens," Barry says.

"I guess you're gonna have to trust me now, huh, kid?" Jay says as he chuckles. We take him into the Cortex.

"We're looking for any structures that promote humidity. Greenhouses, grow rooms, anything of the sort. His body will literally start to fall apart if he becomes dehydrated," Jay explains.

"Like dry sand."

"Exactly. Sand Demon always attacks on two fronts," Jay starts. "He creates a diversion, then strikes when you're distracted."

"Okay, then what do we do?" I ask.

"We use Barry's speed and your force field to get to him before the distraction can happen," Jay says.

"Jay, how do we stop somebody who can slip through my fingers?" Barry asks.

"The way I was never able to. With lightning," Jay responds.

"Yo, are you about to pull a Zeus right now?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Barry's gonna hurl lightning from the energy he creates when he runs. And Olivia is gonna shoot the lightning from her force field at Sand Demon," Jay says.

"Because lightning plus sand equals..."

"Glass," Me and Barry finish with a smile.

"Time to learn something new, kid,"Jay says.

"All right,"Barry says.

"Choo!"Cisco chuckles.

"Give me a sec," Barry says before walking out.

"So how am I supposed to shoot the lightning from my force field at a target?" I ask, walking closer to Jay.

"Let's go outside," Jay says as we step outside of the building, into a secluded are behind S.T.A.R. Labs.

"I've heard you've pushed your force field at people," He says, and I nod. "There was someone like you on my Earth. I taught her. I could teach you how to manipulate your force field too."

"And the one on your Earth. She...." I trail off.

"She's dead," He answers, bluntly.

"How?" I ask. Maybe it's the same way I die here.

"Poisoned Arrow," He simply answers. My brows furrow in confusion. An arrow can't kill me. Nothing can. What is this poison that can? "Anyways," Jay draws. "Put your force field around us." I do as I'm told and then Jay asks, "Have you used two powers at once?"

"I have. Once, but it tires me out," I tell him. He nods.

"Okay. Try using one hand to use your pyrokinesis to put some flames inside the force field," He says and I do as I'm told, letting flames flicker inside the force field.

"Try to hold the force field. Think of it as a rubber ball. A rubber ball that you're trying to deflate," He explains. I nod and close my eyes. I take a deep breath and focus on the force field. I slowly hold the field in my hands and press down as if I'm trying to squeeze it. I open my eyes to see it decreasing in size. After it's about the size of a soccer ball, I stop and hold it. "Now, you would throw it at someone or something-"

I then hold the ball back and throw it out. It flies out in the air before it explodes, flickers of reds oranges and yellows falling everywhere. I grin. "That was so cool!" I say.

Jay gives me a smile back. "Now if you aim at the Sand Demon, he'll turn right into glass," He says.

"Now come on, let's get back. Before I pass out," I say as we start walking back into S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Let's go train Barry."

"I had a lot of fun," Barry says as we approach my front porch. I turn to face him.

"I did too," I smile at him. We stand there staring at each other for a while before Barry leans forward and cups my cheek.

"I hope we can do this again," He says, the pinky finger of his other hand hooking into mine, reminding me of the deal we made when we first made. I smile at the memory and at Barry.

"I hope so too," I say. He then leans forward and gives me a small and slow kiss. He then steps back, smiles at me and speeds away. I smile at the place he was once standing before turning around and going inside my house.

 I smile at the place he was once standing before turning around and going inside my house

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