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10.2 most prized possession

2 most prized possession

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"Your pupils are normal. Your heart rate's a little low. But other than that, no concussive symptoms," Caitlin concluded.

"I really do feel fine. What about Turtle?" Barry asks.

"No sign of him," I say.

"Or the painting," Jay says. "He, uh, must have gotten away with it in the chaos."

"Yeah, things went a little sideways after Patty decided to go all "Lethal Weapon" 1 through 4 on Turtle," Cisco says.

"Oh, my God. Patty," Barry says. "I should go check on her."

"Where are you... finding Turtle is what's important right now," Harry says.

"Yeah, but uh- this is important to me too," Barry says.

"We need to see if your speed still works," Cisco says and Barry speeds away.

"I think— I think it still works."


"Hey," Barry says walking into my house.

"Hey," I say looking out from the kitchen. I was attempting to make a cake. It was going... meh. "Is Patty okay?"

"Yeah," He nods walking into the kitchen. He gives me a kiss and asks, "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure," I say. I start putting everything I was using away, my back to him.

"Why didn't you tell me your mother's alive?" He asks making me freeze.

"I- I just wanted to be sure," I reply, not turning to him.

"And how long have you been sure?" He asks.

"I- I'm sorry," I say. "I should've told you."

"Why didn't you?" He asks as I turn to face him.

"There was so much going on, with everything. With Zoom. I didn't think it mattered," I say. "I don't even know where she is. Plus, she's safer without me."

"Liv. This matters. Your mom- your mom is alive. It matters," He tells me, moving closer to me. "And she's not safer without you. She deserves to see you again. To see you grew up to be a hero." I nod, looking at him.

"We'll find her," He says. "Soon. And we'll keep her safe, together."


The Turtle has Patty. No one's really sure why, but we have to stop him.

"I'm not getting any leads on this guy. It's like he's totally fallen off the grid. You know, it... any of the stuff he's stolen, I can't find it," Cisco says.

"He keeps them," Me and Harry say in unison.

"He keeps them the way a serial killer collects trophies," Harry adds.

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