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9.2 where you go, i'll go

I hear a knock on my workroom door as I turn around

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I hear a knock on my workroom door as I turn around. "Hey," I say to Barry.

"Hey. You ready to go?" He asks.

"Yeah. I was just closing up for the night," I tell him. He smiles, but I can tell he wants to talk. "What's wrong?"

"N- Nothing. I just-" He cuts off and starts over, not before coming closer to stand in front of me. "Singh needs me down in Coast City for a couple of days."

"That- That's Okay. I'll be here to.. cover.. for you," I tell him as he grabs both of my hands in his, his fingers shuffling around mine.

"Actually, I'm gonna be gone for New Years. So I wanted- I was hoping you would come with me," Barry says.

"What about the metahuman attacks?" I ask.

"I figured even they have somewhere to be for New Years," Barry says. "And we can come back right away if they need us."

"O- Ok," I say.

"I- I just want to be with you for New Years. It's our first one as a couple and-" Barry starts, trying to explain.

"Barry. I will come with you. I want to come with you," I tell him. "I wanna be with you for New Years too."

He smiles and gives me a kiss on my head. "Come on. They're probably waiting for us."


I'm sitting next to Cisco and Barry and I look up to see Caitlin and Jay kiss under the mistletoe. I smile.

"Finally," Cisco and I say in unison.

I suddenly get a text and I take out my phone to look at it. It's a text from Oliver. I get up and move to the side against a wall. I open it too see a bunch of pictures of us and Tommy. Of all of the years of Christmas we had. I smile and read the text. "Went through some of my own pictures. I thought you would love them. I love you. Merry Christmas."

I smile and text a message back and then look at the picture of the three of us for our last Christmas together- Literally. I look at Tommy. He would've made it so much better.

I then look at another picture of all of our three families together. I zoom in on me and my parents and smile. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Barry. "You okay?" He asks softly, noticing the picture.

I lean into him as he wraps his arms around me. "I will be," I whisper, the back of my head against his chest. With you, I know it.

Suddenly the bell rings. "Are we expecting anybody else?" Joe asks.

"Not that I know of. Maybe Harry changed his mind," Barry says as Joe opens the door.

"Hi, I'm Wally. I'm Francine's son," The visitor says.

"I'm... I'm... I'm Joe. This is Iris," Joe introduced, stuttering.

"Uh, I just wanted to... I don't know. I guess now's a bad time. You've got company, so..." Wally trailed off.

"No. No, no, no. Come in."


"Maybe I should ask Singh if I can leave another time," Barry says as I nod.

"No. No," Iris says. "Guys. We'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" I ask. "It might be nice to have Barry here."

"I'm sure and Dad agrees. You guys go."


"I thought we could drive there. Do something normal for a change," Barry chuckles, walking to my car.

"Have at it," I say as I toss him my keys.

He catches them and then we both get inside. I sit in the passenger seat next to Barry, putting my feet up in the dashboard. He drives us out of the neighborhood and says, "You're sure you want to come right?"

"Yes. Where you go, I'll go," I say with a smile making him chuckle. He kisses me and I kiss back. I then pull away as he drives us out of there.

I turn on the radio and fun. plays on the radio as we we drive out of Central City.


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🎶Tonight... We are young... So let's set the world on fire, We can burn brighter, Than the sun...🎶


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