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14.2 a work in progress

2 a work in progress

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"So the Barry from yesterday was not you?" Iris asks Barry and then turns to me. "And you are not... this Barry's ex girlfriend?"

"No," I answer.

"No, look, I... I know that this is hard to believe, but I mean, it is just like that sci-fi series, "Commander Carl, Space Marshal of the Galaxy, " where Carl gets sucked into a black hole and ends up on another planet that he thinks is Earth, but really it's Earth... of another universe. Have... have you guys not s... oh, it's a seminal episode. You should check it out," Barry says as we look at him with a look.

"So that's why you weren't wearing your wedding ring yesterday," Iris says.


"And... and that... that kiss was... was so..." Iris trails off.

"I'm... I'm sorry. He got frisky with you?" Barry-2 asks and Iris sighs, nodding. "No, no, no, no, no. Okay, I'm gonna have to find this guy and give him a piece of my mind."

"Don't give him too much," Harry mumbles.

"Hey, it's not like he wanted to," I say as the two give me a look. "He's perfectly happy and more than satisfied by his girlfriend."

"Your husband tells us you've been tracking Zoom," Harry says.

"Yeah, I've been trying to. Why?" Iris-2 asks.

"We need to find his lair," Cisco says.

"Lair?" Mom asks.

"He's a bad guy; I'm calling it a lair," Cisco says.

"Zoom is looking for you. Why are you going after him?" Iris asks.

"Zoom has his daughter and our Barry, and we need to rescue them both," I say.

"Look, I want to find Zoom just as much as anybody, but no one can track him," Iris says. "The only person who would know where he would be hiding someone would be a meta that's worked with him."

"A meta like Killer Frost?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, maybe. But Zoom kept her alive yesterday because she always obeys him. There is no way that she's gonna tell you where he is," Iris says. Really not liking this Iris.

"I'm not so sure about that. If she loved Deathstorm as much as my Caitlin loved Ronnie, I think she'd be more than upset at Zoom for killing him," I suggest.

"Look, finding her is gonna be just as hard as finding Zoom. But if anyone can do it..." Iris-2 says. "My husband can."

"Right, yes. I can, actually. Um, all right," Barry-2 says, sitting down at a computer. "Okay, well it looks like Patty Spivot was a CSI tech on most of the Killer Frost cases. She's pretty thorough, so..."

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