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20.1 fake-dante

"Caitlin's with Zoom," Joe says

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"Caitlin's with Zoom," Joe says.

"Why would he bring her here?"Iris asks.

"To show power," Me and Harry answer together.

I look up at my spot in a chair as he continues, "That's exactly what he did on my Earth."

"What are you talking about?" Joe asks.

"The first thing he did was murder people. Slaughtered a bunch of policemen. Then recruited every meta-human he could find. And those that disobeyed, he killed too," Harry explains.

"Where are the police now?" I ask, standing up from my spot.

"Outside the precinct," Joe answers.

"He'll kill them, Joe," Harry says. "He'll kill them all."

"Not with Caitlin with him. She talked him out of killing everyone when he took over CCPD," Joe says.

"That's what we're gonna rely on?" Harry asks. "Snow talking him out of it?"

"She won't be able to talk him out of everything," I say. "Joe, you need to get those guys out of there."

"What if they set up at Jitters?" Barry asks.

"That's a good idea... it's just a block away from the precinct," Joe says.

"And then what? What happens next? You saw what Zoom did on my Earth. He will do the exact same thing here," Harry yells.

"We have Liv," Iris suggests.

I scoff with a smile. "I'm good. I am. I'm really good at my job, but I don't- I can't beat a speedster. I'm not that fast, and it's not like he's gonna consider sparing me like Thawne. I can't beat him. To beat a speedster, you need to be as fast as a speedster, and I... I'm just not."

"Exactly. Barry, we need to get you your powers back," Harry yells.

"There must be another way," Henry pushes.

"There's not. There's not," Harry says before walking out.

"I'm gonna get word to Singh. Get him to set up a task force at Jitters," Joe says as he heads out.

"And then what?" Iris asks.

"I don't know yet, but I'm gonna make sure Wally and Jesse are safe," Joe says walking out.


"He calls himself Rupture," Harry says showing a picture of the meta that attacked Cisco.

"Another meta-human under Zoom's control from my Earth," Harry says.

"Great, so he's bringing more of his friends over," I say.

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