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Me, Cisco and Barry walk up over to the edge of a hill

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Me, Cisco and Barry walk up over to the edge of a hill. Cisco throws a rock and watches it slowly hit the water. "Whoo-hoo-hoo. Uh, it didn't look this deep on the map," Cisco comments.

"That's 'cause maps are flat. This is, like, 1,000 feet deep," Barry says.

"Well, you want to get faster. Maybe plummeting to your death is the motivation you need," I say. He gives me a look as I shrug with a smile.

"So to reach escape velocity, you're gonna have to go... that fast," Harry says, showing Barry a number.

"Well, that fast is impossible," Barry says as I move next to Harry. "I can promise you that."

"Ah, "Nothing in life is promised except death"." Harry says.

"Edgar Allan Poe?" Barry asks.

"Kanye West," Me and Harry say in unison.

"If it makes you feel any better, Evel Knievel cleared a line of cars that was twice this long, and he didn't even have superpowers, unless you count that sweet-ass ride," Cisco says.

"Do you hear yourself?" Barry asks him.

"What? Look, you're gonna be fine. I'm 80% sure of it," Cisco starts. "Okay. 76. Like, a strong 72. I can't stop, Caitlin, help."

"If you don't feel ready, you probably shouldn't do it," Caitlin says.

Me and Cisco give her a look as he tells her, "Not helpful."

"Look, Zoom's still out there. And once I find a way back to Earth-2, I have to be faster than him. And, I mean, right now... I wasn't even fast enough to save Jay. I have to try," Barry says.

He starts walking away, bumping into me in the process and I stop him, my hand on his chest. "You'll do great," I tell him. He nods with a sigh and he gives me a small kiss before heading to the cliff.

We watch as Barry runs towards the canyon, jumping at the edge of it. "He's gonna make it," Caitlin says. We then slowly watch as he loses balance falling.

"Barry!" I say running to the edge.

"Oh, damn," I hear Harry say.

I'm ready to fly down and get him when I see drones coming up, Barry with them on a net.

"Why'd you have to bring those drones along, Cisco" "Oh, I don't know." You're welcome, everyone," Cisco says, sarcastically.


I teleport into the Cortex, Barry running in right behind me, and the team waking in afterwards.

"Scooch," Cisco says walking in.

"What? So how'd it go?" Jesse asks.

"Well, he's not a red splat on the side of a mountain," Harry says.

"That's our new definition of success?" Cisco asks, sitting down.

"It's one of them."

"So, you didn't make the canyon jump?" Jesse asks, eating some popcorn.

"No. What else can we try?" Barry asks.

"A bigger canyon?" Cisco says, his mouth full of popcorn. We both give him a look. "Okay, fine, no more canyons."

"I know I can crack this. I've just been going about it wrong. I need to find my leg up. Have we factored in drag?" Barry asks. "Wells, can we rerun the simulation?"

"Maybe we need to take a break," I say just as Harry says,

"Let it go for now."

"Zoom's still out there. He's terrorizing a whole world full of people, your world," Barry argues.
"You know, I'm not doing this for fun."

"Barry, we've been working on this all week. You're tired, we're tired," Caitlin says.

"Yeah, what we need is some downtime. Downtime leads to increased productivity, ergo we have to have fun," Cisco says and stands up. "And the best way to have fun is for us to go out to the club. Am I right, Team Flash? Let's get turnt!... No, but seriously, we need a break."

"You know, I think Cisco's right, and if I'm saying we need a break, then you know it's serious," Caitlin says.

"Yeah, plus, it's so much fun watching Cisco dance in a club," I tell Barry.

He looks at my pleading face for a minute before saying, "All right, let's go out tonight."

"Yes!" I say with a smile.

"Oh, yeah. Can I go?" Jesse asks Harry. Harry gives her a look as the head out of a Cortex.

I chuckle at the pair and walk closer to Barry, his hand immediately on my waist. "Won't this be a good way to relax?" Barry says. "I'm not much of a dancer though."

"Well that's gonna change. You...," I say, my finger on his chest. "...Mister, have never been to the club with me."

He chuckles, "As long as you're in my arms at the end of the night, I'm fine with doing whatever you want."

My smile grows. "Mmhmm," I say, my finger trailing up his body to under his chin. I lean forward, bring his head forwards too as we come together for a kiss.

 I lean forward, bring his head forwards too as we come together for a kiss

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