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6.0 sergeant slow

"Zoom sent me here to kill you, but I didn't want to," Doctor Light says

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"Zoom sent me here to kill you, but I didn't want to," Doctor Light says.

"But you were fine with killing Linda Park," Barry says.

"It was the best bad idea I could come up with. Leave her body for Zoom to find, he'd think I was dead, and I'd be free," Earth-2 Linda responds.

"How was he supposed to know where to find her body?" I ask.

"Just let me go," Light answers. "Let me disappear."

"You would spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, never knowing when Zoom is coming," Barry says.

"Okay. And what's your great idea?" She asks us.

"How were you supposed to contact him after you killed him?" I ask her again.

"I was supposed to get something... something I could only get if The Flash was dead... and then throw it through the breach as proof," Light explains.

"And then what?" Barry asks.

"Then he'd come for me. Confirm the kill and bring me home. Why do you want to know?" She asks.

"Because we want to find him," Barry says.

"You really don't," Light responds.

"He's gonna keep coming for me. He's gonna keep kidnapping people like you, forcing them to do what he wants. We have to stop him before more people die," Barry says.

"You can't stop Zoom," She says.

"Yes, we can. We will, but I need your help," Barry tells her.


"Zoom wants Doctor Light to send him your new emblem," Cait states.

"Yes. We need it for bait. If we can get Doctor Light to take my emblem, throw it through the breach, then Zoom will come to collect my body, and we can trap him," Barry explains.

"You know it took a lot of work to make that emblem, right?" Cisco asks.

"This is the woman who was willing to kill Linda in order to escape Zoom, but now she's willing to help us catch him?" Caitlin asks.

"She knows it's the only way," Barry says. Does she? She only cares about herself.

"Before I left Earth-2, I worked on a serum to dampen Zoom's speed," Harry says. "All we would need is for Ramon to develop a weapon to deliver it."

"Oh, great, that could be this year's cold gun," I comment.

"Maybe another criminal can get it, and then we'd have Sergeant Slow," Caitlin adds.

"I would never let that happen," Cisco says. "Sergeant Slow is a terrible name."

"Are we forgetting how much more powerful than Barry Zoom seems to be?" Cait asks as I nod. "I mean, if Barry can catch bullets, what's to say Zoom can't catch whatever you shoot at him?"

"Surprise... the element of surprise," Harry says. "All we would do is rig a projectile to fire as Zoom crosses into the breach. He can't stop what he can't see coming."

"That's great. Thanks. Joe, voice of reason here?" Cait asks.

"We need a plan. That's as good as any," Joe says. "As long as he can deliver."

"Don't underestimate me, Detective," Harry says.

Caitlin sighs. "Livvy?" She asks.

"Come on," Barry says, coming closer to me. "You agree with me, right?"

"I- If I know anything, it's that criminals don't care about anything but saving their own asses. This could go south the second it starts," I say.

"And for that, we'll have both you and me," Barry says. "It'll be fine."

"I don't know Barry," I say, then Barry's phone rings.

"Oh, Patty needs us back at the station," Barry says to Joe. "I'll meet you there, all right?" He gives me kiss before walking out.


"So," I say, watching Harry work. "What's your daughter like?"

"If this is your way of trying to get something out of me, it's not gonna work," Harry says not looking up from his work.

"It is not," I defend. "I would just like to know about my potential doppelgänger."

Harry laughs. "My Jesse is not your doppelgänger," He says. "She's completely different and doesn't look anything like you." Jesse, huh? Nice name.

"So... do you know about my actual doppelgänger?" I ask.

"More like knew," Harry says. "She's been missing for years. Dead, I assume." Missing? I should ask- No, not the time.

"So if there's a doppelgänger for me, there should be one for my mother right?" I ask. This should spark something.

"Most likely. Although I've never had the chance of meeting her," Harry says, shutting me down before I can continue.

I sigh and say, "You know it would be easier if you'd just stop lying."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Harry says as he looks up from his work. He says it with a neutral face and has steady words.

I meet his stare and keep it there until he finally looks down- back to his work- and smiles. "You are a very clever young woman," Harry says. "But it will take more than a couple of questions for you to get something out of me."


While I was writing, I don't know, I just started listening to Fire on Fire by Sam Smith and it reminded me a lot of Liv and Barry, based on where they are right now and where they're going...

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