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1.3 41-21-86

"Is there really no way of knowing what's going on in there?" Iris asks

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"Is there really no way of knowing what's going on in there?" Iris asks.

"I'm looking for the security cameras," Cisco says. "Booyah."

We watch Barry create his arm vacuum at him but Atom Smasher withstands it. He good to punch him but it doesn't work.

"My turn," Atom Smasher says. He then grows and grabs Barry by the neck and starts choking him.

"Dad," Iris says.

"I'm gonna go there," I say.

"No, you won't, and what are you gonna do when you get there?" Cisco asks. "The Boot didn't work on him. And your powers won't do anything to him."

"Alarm!" Stein yells.

"Believe me, we're all alarmed," Cisco says.

"No, the alarm system. You've tapped into the surveillance cameras, correct?" Stein asks.

"Correct! "Come on, feel the noize," Cisco says.

I look away from the screen and focus on the handcuffs on my hands. I then remember a trick Oliver taught me. I dislocated both of my thumbs and cry out quietly in pain. I get my hands out of the cuffs and then locate them back to normal. Joe takes the cuffs as I rub my wrists.

I look back at the screen and an alarm starts ringing as Barry runs out of there. "Professor Stein, you are a genius."

"I believe that's already been well established," He replies.


I walk into my workroom and go over to my computer. I go through all of my files to find something related to the file numbers that Thawne keeps reminding me of. 41-21-86. I find an untitled file and furrow my brows. I never left an untitled file. I open the file to find a chart. The chart has one row full of numbers and the other row full of rooms in S.T.A.R. Labs. And there's one more row with a file number written on it.

I scroll down to number 41 to see that labeled as Caitlin's medical lab. Number 21 is Cisco's Lab, and 86 is.. the time vault. There's is a file number for each room, besides the time vault. But why do I need those files from those room?

I ignore the why and run into Cait's medical lab. I notice Barry and Joe look at me. "Sorry," I say. "I just need something- important." I move to the other side of the room and then open a drawer and take out the file I need. I wink at Barry before leaving. I run to Cisco's lab and do the same.

I then go back to my workroom. I open up the files to find nothing out of the ordinary. I flip to the back of each file to see my name. I flip the paper around to see a math problem. Cause who doesn't love math?

I sigh and do both problems to get the numbers 11 & 24. I then go to the time vault and go up to the little podium that you use to operate Gideon. There is a number pad on the podium and a spot for me to type in four numbers. I slowly type in 11-24. My Birthday. It then says access granted and suddenly a hatch on the side of the wall opens.

I move closer to it and grab the journal inside it. I did all of this work for a damn book? He couldn't have just given this to me? I roll my eyes and look at the journal.

Now what is this?


Barry calls me and I answer, "Hey, Barr."

"Liv, he confessed," Barry says.

"Confessed What? Who?" I ask him.

"Wells. He- He confessed to killing my mom," Barry says. "That's what was on the flash drive."

"Barry that's amazing," I say. "So Henry's coming home?"

"I hope so. Can you get everyone on to the Cortex?"


Barry walks into the Cortex with a smile on his face. "Is it good news?" Cait asks.

Barry nods. "I think so."

"Henry's coming home?" Iris asks. When Barry nods she hugs him. When she pulls away he walks over to me with a smile and give him a smile in return. Barry turns to everyone else. "Okay, well... that still leaves Atom Smasher to deal with."

"Last time you faced him, it did not go well," I say.

"No, it did not. I clearly can't stop him by myself," Barry says, making my smile widen. "That," Barry suddenly adds, "Does not mean you're coming back on the field yet." I frown, as Barry turns to everyone else. "So how are we gonna beat him?"

"Well, ever since I was shown a drained radiation tag, which I haven't been able to stop thinking about," Caitlin says. "Thank you, Cisco."

"You're welcome, Caitlin."

"If this guy likes radiation so much, I say we give it to him," Cait finishes.

"If this guy likes radiation so much, I say we give it to him," Cait finishes

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