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8.1.5 powerless

5 powerless

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"So... you just want me to jump," Kendra asks as we all stand on the roof of the building.

"Fall, jump, swan dive, whatever suits you. Just, uh, do it," Carter says.

"Okay, this isn't the X Games," Cisco comments.

"And this is how she emerges..." I trail off, thinking of my own wings.

"She just falls towards her death?" Oliver asks.

"Yep. 4,000 years of experience says that's exactly how," Carter says. "Just watch and learn."

"No, I'm sorry. What are we doing?" Barry asks. "Why are we listening to this guy? Come on, Oliver, you're supposed to be the one who asks questions."

"Okay, but after what we saw, after what Cisco said, I cannot believe I'm going to say this, but it... kind of makes sense," Oliver says.

Barry looks at me for help but I say, "It does make sense."

Suddenly we see Kendra hop up on the edge. "Hey, hey, hey!" Barry yells out.

She turns back to look at us. "I need to try," She says.

"Are you serious?" Barry asks.

"Yes, she is," Carter says and pushes Kendra off the ledge. She screams and Barry runs to go get her.

"What the hell was that?" He asks Carter.

"Saving her life," Carter replied. "You should have emerged. Something is blocking you. Well, we should just try again and see what's..."

"No!" Cisco yells.

"Yeah, no, no, no, no. We're not doing that again," Barry says as me and Oliver share a look. Kendra, you don't have to do this. Oliver, we can stop Savage, okay?"

Oliver nods and says, "Barry. Barry!"

"What?" Barry asks.

"Talk to you for a second?"

"Okay," Barry says as we walk to the side. "Keep an eye on him."

"What is going on with you?" Oliver asks.

"I'm trying to keep her alive."

"Then I think we let her jump," I say.

"Are you kidding?" He asks.

"Barry, I get that you're desperate to help and you want to be the hero and you want to save her yourself, but I think she has to have a part in it too?" Oliver says as I nod.

"It's just... the rules keep changing," He says. "One day I have to run through time, the next I'm fighting a telepathic gorilla, and now we're what? We're chasing down an immortal madman on a rampage against down a reincarnated warrior priestess? I just never thought I'd have superpowers and feel more powerless than I ever have in my entire life."

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