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8.1.2 chay-ara

"I'm not changing my nickname," Thea says

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"I'm not changing my nickname," Thea says. "I like Speedy."

"Are you familiar with my body of work?" Cisco asks. "If you are, then you know I can come up with something so much better than Speedy."

"Why don't you get a haircut? And then maybe we can talk about it," Thea says making us smile.

"I think you're just mad because my conditioner game is on point," Cisco says as I chuckle.

"So life's good huh? You're living with the CEO of Palmer Technologies," I turn to Oliver. "You seem happy. It's insane how much life can change in six months, huh?"

"Which you would know better than anyone, considering the turn of events happening with you... the whole... wings thing?" Oliver says, with a small chuckle at the end.

"I mean... Yeah. No, it's been... a lot. It's weird," I answer.

"Who would've thought when this first started that this is how we'd end up," Oliver comments as I nod.

"This stuff... it's weird and just came out of fricking nowhere," I say as he chuckles. "So what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"A few days ago, your attorney- I think his name was Greg Turk?," Oliver says, as I nod. "Yeah, so he called me and wanted to know what I wanted to do about the house."

I freeze. The house. That house. The one I grew up in. The last place I had my real family. "W-What did you say?" I ask.

"Nothing. Did you think I was gonna say something without your opinion?" Oliver says with a smile. Oliver was the owner of that house ever since he had come back from the island, since he would be in Star City all the time and he was responsible enough now.

"Well I-. It's fine. I think you should sell it," I tell him.

"Really? Are you sure, Livvy?" He asks, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, I just- can I go look at it one last time?" I ask. "Collect my things?"

"Of course," he says. Just then the oven dings as I see Felicity run to it.

"I'm gonna go help," I say as I follow Felicity. "Hey."

"Hey," She says as we take out the pigs in a blanket. "So you and Barry, huh?"

I blush. "Yeah."

"So how did that happen?" Felicity asks. "I mean, I always knew you guys would get together- it was kind of inevitable, I was really just waiting- but how?"

"Well, he kissed me before he left to save his mom and when he came back without doing that, he asked me out," I explain, trying to keep it short and simple.

"Nice," She smiles. "You guys are cute together. A literal power couple."

I smile. "Hey, you and Oliver are adorable," I tell her. "I've been waiting years for that to happen."

She chuckles. "Thanks," She says as we walk back to the others.

"I would like to propose a toast," Oliver says as me and Felicity each stand on a side. "I wish it wasn't just the dark times bringing us together."

Barry suddenly speeds in between me and Oliver, Oliver's drink in his hand. "But it is friends like you that make those dark times worth having," Barry says with a smile.

We all chuckle as Oliver takes back his drink. "What a guy. Steals my drinks, steals my words. As I was saying, it's good to see everyone."

"Cheers," We all say.

Barry walks over to me with a smile. I roll my eyes when I see lightning flicker through his eyes, knowing he did it on purpose. I smile at him and he kisses me slowly. "Hey," I say after pulling away.

"Hey," He chuckles and pulls me over on the couch, him next to me. I wrap my arms around his waist and I lean my head on his shoulder. He strokes my hair as he smiles.

"I wish we could just stay here forever," I say, watching our friends interact.

"In Star City? Or in this position?" Barry asks.

"Both," I answer. "With all of these people. I wish life was simpler."

"I know," He whispers, and kisses the top of my head. "Hey, I'll be right back. I should talk to Cisco."

I move away from him as he goes over to Cisco. I get up as well and walk over to Thea. "Hey," I say with a smile.

"Hey," She says. "You and Red over there are cute. I haven't seen you this happy in a while."

I smile. "Thanks," I say and then a sly grin falls on my face. "I guess those archery competitions finally came in handy, didn't they?"

"Yeah. Never thought I'd be using a bow and arrow outside of an archery range but you know what they say... vigilantes run in the family," Thea responds as I chuckle.

"Look!" Kendra yells. We turn to see the guy that's after Kendra on the balcony.

"I will always find you, Chay-Ara," He says and I am immediately next to Oliver. Barry runs and gives him his bow and quiver.

He pulls an arrow at the man as I take out my throwing stars. "Don't move," Oliver tells him.

"Then how will I kill you all?" The man laughs. He throws a bunch of throwing knives at us.

I throw a throwing star- which are tipped with flames from my pyrokinesis- as Oliver releases an arrow at them. Barry speeds to catch all of the knives and falls to the side as he is hit by one of them. Oliver shoots another arrow and the man catches it as we share a look before heading to the man. Oliver tries to hit him but he ducks as I punch him in the face.

Oliver hits him again as I spin on the floor and try to dismantle him from his legs. He jumps as he blocks my attack and then we are both fighting him. He soon throws us back to the floor as we groan. Barry then gets up as the guy throws a knife. Barry catches the knife before it hits him and says, "Yeah, I can do that too."

Me and Oliver get up as we start shooting at the man. Oliver shoots arrows at him at a rapid pace as I throw my throwing stars at the same pace. Soon he is hit by a throwing star and Oliver shoots his other side with an arrow.

Thea suddenly jumps in with her bow and arrow as Oliver yells, "Thea, no!" She shoots anyways and the man falls back off the balcony.

"What did you do?" Oliver asks.

"I ended it."

"This is why we ask questions," Oliver yells as we run or to the balcony to see the man. We look down to see no one there. "Wait. W-where did he go?" Barry asks.

"Oh, boy."


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