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13.4 deathstorm

"Killer Frost and Deathstorm," Harry says

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"Killer Frost and Deathstorm," Harry says.

"You know them?" I ask.

"More importantly, they know you now; they know that you're here," Harry says.

"So Caitlin and Ronnie's doppelgangers are evil?" Cisco asks. "Those are some dope names, though."

"This was supposed to be a surgical mission. Find Tess. Find Zoom's lair. Rescue Jesse. Get in, get out, not get involved," Harry says.

"All right, well, look, I am involved, okay?" Barry says. "Joe's in the hospital. They nearly killed him."

"No, he isn't. Joe West, your Joe West, is alive and safe on your Earth, so is Caitlin, so is Iris. These people, Barry, they're mirror reflections. As far as your life is concerned, they don't exist. Killer Frost, Deathstorm, they know that you're here. Then it's not long before Zoom does too, and then my daughter's dead, and that's on you," Harry says.

"Jesse still has time, okay? Iris and Joe need me now. I have to get back to them!" Barry yells.

"She is not Iris!"

"She is Iris! Okay, she is to me! No matter what universe I'm in, they are my family! I would think by now you should get how important family is," Barry says. "I'm going, Wells. I have to."

Barry walks out as I look at mom, who's sitting in the back watching all of this play out. "Find Zoom," Harry tells Cisco.


"Oh, Iris," Cisco says as me, Barry and Cisco walk into the CCPD. She immediately turns a taser to us as we back away a bit.

"Do I know you two?" She asks.

"Does she know us?" Cisco asks.

"Uh, these are my good friends, Cisco Ramon and Olivia..."

"Parker," I say quickly and hear Barry scoff. She can't know I'm a Wells.

"Good friends?" Iris asks. "You look really familiar."

"I have one of those faces," I say.

"Your name also sounds really familiar. Are you- Wait. Olivia Parker? As in Barry's college girlfriend?" Iris asks.

"Uh- Yeah," I say and Barry gives a sheepish look. "Don't worry. I'm taken and apparently so is he."

She nods, giving me a look. "So they're here for a reason?"

"Yeah. Cisco and Liv work at S.T.A.R. Labs, and they built a weapon that they believe we can use to neutralize, um, Killer Frost's powers," Barry explains.

"Great, thanks. I'll take it," Iris says trying to grab it.

"Uh, please, I should really take this," Cisco says pulling it back.

"All right."

"One of my snitches gave me a lead on Killer Frost and Deathstorm's location. We're gonna bring them in," Iris says.

"Okay, um, I'm coming with you, Iris," Barry says.

"No. Barry, I just lost my father. I cannot lose my husband too," Iris says as I clench my jaw.

"All right, well, Cisco and Liv are the only ones who knows how to operate the device, so you have to take them," Barry says. "It's a two person job."

"I can't put civilians in harm's way," Iris says.

"Look, we've seen fire, and we've seen rain," Cisco says.

"Trust us. We can handle ourselves, okay... Mrs... West-Allen," I say and she nods.

She turns to Barry. "I love you," She says and kisses Barry. I force myself to look at anyone or anything else.

"Deadshot?" I ask, seeing one of my favorite people in the world.

He looks up and smiles. "Hi. It's um- It's Floyd," He greets as Barry and Iris pull away.

I hear Barry say, "I love you too."

"Lawton, let's move," Iris says.

"Yeah, uh..." Lawton says as he winks at me and then follows Iris out.

"We need to work on finding Jesse," I say coming up to Barry.

"Are you sure this is what you want to be doing?" Cisco asks.

"I am, all right? Right now, we have to help Iris. Just make sure no one else gets hurt."


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