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17.3 out of luck

B A R R Y  P O V

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We watch as the time wraith chases Caitlin to the pipeline.

"Cisco, Liv, it's here! It's coming!" Caitlin yells.

"Inside the cell, now!" Liv orders them as they all get into the cell.

"Uh, sorry. What's coming?" Hartley asks as the time wraith comes at them, hitting the glass.

"Holy Harry Potter," Hartley says and I see a small smile on Liv's lips at the words. "Okay. Well, isn't this fantastic?"

"Look, we're gonna be safe in here. These cells are..." Cisco trails off as the wraith cracks the cell.

"Impenetrable?" Hartley asks.

"All right. We have to help them," I say.

"You let it track you here," Thawne tells me.

"Get me out of here! Come on!" I yell.

"If that thing comes after me and messes with my plans, you're all dead," Thawne says.

I finally reason with him and he runs us out, into the hallway. He sits back down onto his chair as I head to the pipeline to see the wraith gone.


"I'm sorry that we didn't come sooner," I say as we all walk into the Cortex.

"It's all right, Inky's gone. I don't see anything," Cisco says. "You know, we'd be toast if wasn't for Hartley and those gauntlets."

"Well, self-preservation is a very strong motivator, but he stays in the cell until I say otherwise," Thawne says.

"Okay, I'm just saying," Cisco says.

"So the two places this thing has attacked are here and CCPD," Caitlin says. "The common denominator being..."

"Me," I say. "Yeah, I know. I just... I don't know why."

"Well, you must have done something to piss him off. Satellite hasn't found anything," Cisco says.

"We need to find a more permanent solution to this problem," Thawne says. "Start by repairing Hartley's gauntlets. That's about as good a first step as any."

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