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8.2.3 indiana jones

"I came to this meeting out of curiosity

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"I came to this meeting out of curiosity. It is now sated. Bring Khufu and Chay-Ara to Jurgens Industrial in 24 hours or I will see you dead and buried under the bodies of your loved ones," Savage repeats and leaves.

I turn to see Barry a bit shaken up. "Barry, you all right?" I ask as he nods.


"We need to brief the team. Come up with some type of counterattack," Oliver says after we reach outside of the farmhouse.

"It's not going to work," I hear Barry say.

"What?" I ask. Barry takes off his mask as he comes up to us.

"Oof, nothing. All right, never mind, I shouldn't have said anything," Barry says.

"Barry," I say in warning.

"Barry, what's going on?" Oliver asks.

"Ok, look, this isn't going to make any sense to you," Barry tells Oliver. "but I--all right, so I traveled back in time from when we tried to take out Savage. I mean, later, when we tried to take him down in the future, and it doesn't work."

"Oh my- Crap," I say.

"You're right, that doesn't make sense to me," Oliver comments.

"My world is stranger than yours," Barry says.

"Well, maybe we use that to our advantage," Oliver suggests. "You say that whatever we do against Savage doesn't work? Then we come up with a new plan."

"No. No, no, no. Ok, look, you can't," Barry says. "You--when I mess with time, it just, it doesn't end well."

"But what you're telling me is that it already doesn't end well. Barry, people in our line of work, we don't get second chances. We need to take this one," Oliver says.

"All right, I hope you're right," Barry says.

"You okay with this?" Oliver asks.

"What? Yeah- Yeah I'm fine with it," I stutter.

"All right, let's start with what went wrong," Oliver starts.

"You did," Barry tells him. "When we go up against Savage, your head's not in the game. You're not yourself."

"Why not?" Oliver asks.

"Oliver..." Barry trails off.

"Barry! Why not?" Oliver asks again.

"Ok, are you planning on giving me a hair sample to run forensics on in the near future?" Barry asks. Me and Oliver share a look.

"Yeah..." Oliver answers.

"Well, I did. And you were pretty shaken after the fact. And then Felicity found out, and you guys had a pretty big fight, and it sounded like it was over between you two," Barry explains.

"What was the fight about?" Oliver asks.

"I'm pretty sure you're someone's father, Oliver," Barry answers.

"I knew it! Ha!" I exclaim, making the boys look at me. "Sorry, not relevant. Go on."

"So when we go up against Savage, you're not focused. And then, Kendra can't access her powers, and then the tech they're developing to counteract Savage's staff does not work, and... Everyone dies," Barry says looking at me.

"This time they won't. This time we do things differently," I say.


"Oliver, you were right. I don't know how you knew, but you were right-- the gauntlets won't work, they're missing a critical element," Cisco says.

"How do you know?" Dig asks.

"Because I remembered. I remember how Savage killed us the first time, back in Egypt," Kendra says.

"I've never been able to remember our first death," Carter says.

"Well, these sky rocks--meteors-- they fell and they completely destroyed the royal palace," Kendra tells us.

"During the Middle Kingdom, Egypt experienced a high level of meteorite activity... I know stuff," Felicity says when we look at her confused.

"Which is one of the many reasons we love you so much, but also doesn't seem to help us stop Savage," Laurel says.

"It's the calamity Professor Boardman was referencing. The meteors, they had a glow about them. And Savage's staff had two gemstones with the exact same glow," Kendra says.

"Yeah, the gemstones might be made up of the same element as the meteorite," Barry says.

"The Egyptians would use meteorite in their craftsmanship," I say making Barry raise a brow at me as he crossed his arms. "I know stuff too," I mouth making him chuckle loosely.

"And the minerals glow in proximity to each other," Cait adds.

"Like Sankara Stones," Cisco referenced.

"Oh, wait, the Indiana Jones reference is the only thing I understood," Thea says.

"Two pieces of the same meteorite, like an nth metal... that is the key to counter-acting the staff," Cisco says.

"Believe it or not, this isn't actually the craziest thing I've heard today," Oliver comments.

"There's a sample of the meteorite from the Middle Kingdom at the Keystone City Museum of Natural..." Felicity starts but Barry runs and comes back with a sample. "...History,"

"Hopefully I got the right one," Barry says.

"I could synthesize the compatible isotope out of this and coat the gauntlets with it," Cisco says.

"Ok. Do it. Savage doesn't know that Kendra has gained access to all of her abilities," Oliver starts.

"It makes you our ace in the hole," I add.

"Where do you need us?" Dig asks.

"Suit up."


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